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Car Horn on Regina Road 8am - is it your lift arriving?

edited March 2010 in Local discussion
Every morning at 8am someone pulls up on Regina Road and hits their horn twice. Never once, always twice. I presume they are picking someone up. I hope the person who is getting the lift will read this and stop it. It is always there at the same time so the person you are picking up should know. It's a residential street... That got that off my chest. Next week I will just have to wait in the street for them and have a quiet word. (As an aside Taxis do this all the time now as well - even in the middle of the night. They used to get out and ring the bell rather than annoy everyone.)


  • CatCat
    edited 7:16PM
    I get annoyed by the 8am alarm call as well, who ever it is is pretty consistent at arriving dead on 8.

    When I'm working nights it wakes me up just as i'm falling asleep.
  • edited 7:16PM
    People who do this in an age which has not just doorbells, but mobile 'phones, should all be hanged from streetlights Mussolini-style.
  • edited 7:16PM
    Go out and tell them.
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