Fancy a pint?

You're all lovely folks here. I've had a pint with Taff Bach, Commisar, and recently shared a coffee with the delightful Checkski. Would love to have a drink with the ever entertaining Tosscat, David and Andy, and the lovely Jeremy Fisher and Krappy. I'm a scary big bastard but I rarely bite.



  • edited 1:54PM
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  • edited 1:54PM
    That's not a bad idea. We could all meet in a big group, then the ladies could repair to the drawing room to knit and embroider, whilst the gentlemen take pipes and discuss matters of state, the colonies and the blasted Kaiser.

    Except I'm not about tomorrow night. Damn you, Kaiser!
  • What a lovely invite, Misscara. Sadly I'm Soho bound tomorrow where the only needles I expect are of the intraveinous intraveeenus intra... Them things wot you stick up your arm-- kind.

    I'm in the pub now so come over and I'll buy you a drinky.

  • edited 1:54PM
    Yeh, but I'd have to put up with Anarchist John, the bastard.
  • edited March 2010
    Just had a swift one with Lovely Anarchist John.
  • edited 1:54PM
    Hi All, you've touched on a point close to my heart... I am the owner of North Nineteen which is a pub just the other side of Hornsey Road. We aim to please and have our Cask Marque accreditation to prove it, but also if you have some suggestions of events or menu ideas that you'd like to see us incorporate then please don't be shy, we like to give you what you want!

    If you've not been here before then please come and pay us a visit, we are trying to do the right thing by the area and we need the support of our local community, after all we are a community pub named after the area we serve!

    We hope t meet you soon, but if you can't make it here in the near future then check out our web site, especially the bit about our chef and the pics of him in our gallery, he caters for some minor celebrities...


  • edited 1:54PM
    Hi Tony Last year I lived very near your establishment, and being an intrepid drinker I did pop in to try it out, around this time last year. Good ale and general ambience, I thought perhaps it might make an excellent local. Also, you had an open-mic on that night, and being a harmonica player in a local bluesy outfit I stuck around to check it out. Unfortunately the open-mic and the pub became dominated by a drunken oafish gobshite loudly banging crassly on about how cool it was to smoke weed, and playing covers of Tenacious D spoofs and other ‘comedy’ songs really, really badly. The low point was ‘Marijuanaville’ to the tune of Margaritaville. We were driven outside, where dickless followed us and explained how he was a local who was there all the time, that it was ‘pretty much his pub’ and how we should all be his friends. My tolerance snapped while watching him patronise the barman into making him some hideous ‘cocktail’ which he promptly downed, spilling most of it onto himself. I would like to return to your boozer, but I must have a written guarantee that he no longer patronises it (in both senses of the word). It might be worth me mentioning that we saw three other people separately leave in disgust. I’m not just being an arse. Or at least I’m not alone. Arky
  • edited 1:54PM
    'it's true... This man has no dick'
  • edited 1:54PM
    I was a bit worried there as the only time I've ever been at the N19 for open mic night, several drunken oafish gobshite friends of mine did end up dominating proceedings. The rest of the details are different, however. Phew!

    I like the N19 a great deal and haven't been there in far too long. Then again, I haven't done that much local pubbing lately full stop. I blame the near-seamless segue of January into vile hibernatory weather into Lent.
  • edited 1:54PM
    @JFJ: Good reference.
  • edited 1:54PM
    Hi All, thanks for your comments, it's always good to get feed back...

    As an update for you, the drunken oaf (Dutch Tom as used to call him) has moved back to Holland, he was here doing a degree and that has now finished, it must be around 9 months since we've seen him, so written guarantee is given.

    If that was the only thing that kept you away then perhaps we may see you again, incidently the open mic sessions have become frequented by a band called Ghosts, they had a record out in 2007 which didn't do too badly, nice guys and fairly regular.

    Ok hope to see you guys again soon, also have a look at the website and check out the chef gallery...

    Cheers guys

  • edited 1:54PM
    Thanks for letting us know Tony. I’ll add it to my Holloway pub visitation list – in the hallowed company of the Swimmer and the Landseer – for next time I’m in your neck of the woods. Arky
  • edited 1:54PM
    I can also give N19 a hearty recommendation for both drinking and eating.

    Tony and the rest of the staff are always very welcoming, remember my (very particular) drink and are happy to sort out opening the back garden even in deepest winter for the committed nicotine addict.

    I love N19.
  • edited 1:54PM
    @missfrancesca: What's your tipple?
  • edited 1:54PM
    @Arkady: vodka and diet coke served in a tall glass with a piece of lime and a straw. Delicious.
  • edited 1:54PM
    I see. Nothing too peculiar then. My missus demands Jim Beam and ginger ale with three - specifically three - slices of lime. The concept of diet coke makes me retch though.
  • edited 1:54PM
    Thanks all, especially missfrancesca, your kind words are as welcome as you are in our venue. You guys are always good to have in, (well out really) you're always in the garden!! Your friends that don't smoke must really like you... They sit with you no matter what the temperature! Hope to see you guys again soon...

    BTW have any of you guys heard about the Pub Revolution Movement? If not check it out here, they are now asking all publicans to sign up to the GMB union in order to try to fight the big pubco's and allow the publican to again start to earn a living, stop pub closures and bring the prices down at the taps for all pub goers....

    Please give it as much support as you can.
  • edited 1:54PM
    Is the North Nineteen one of many pubs owned by the same person or company (or something to that effect) ?
  • edited 1:54PM
    I had a look at the Pub Revolution thing after seeing the posters in N19 and while I support the aims, it did seem to be exclusively something for publicans to sign up to rather than something drinkers could be an active part of - which is fair enough given the trade union analogy, I guess.
  • edited 1:54PM
    The rest of us can join CAMRA. They sent me a stack of Weatherspoon vouchers with my latest membershiop card, so I may go fown the white Lion for the first time. A
  • edited 1:54PM
    The Pub Revolution thing also looks like it's about 15 years too late. The moment for fighting pubcos and standing up for publicans was a while ago.
  • AliAli
    edited 1:54PM
    Arkady With the CAMRA Vouchers I thought you had to apply for membership using an application form from a Weatherspoons News Mag which suggests a possible secret visit? What I like about the 50p vouchers is that to promote responsible drinking your not allowed to pay less that a £1 a pint. Amazingly enough you can’t get the full value of the voucher as the cost of pint of Ruddles is so low !
  • edited 1:54PM
    Perhaps Ali, I ddin't read the small print.
  • edited 1:54PM
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  • edited March 2010
    So will I. Where will you be and what will you be wearing. Look out for a trilby and crapper version of Johnny Depp's beard. A
  • edited March 2010
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 1:54PM
    Arky - Your description of the drunken gobshite who kept making reference to how much weed he smokes made me think of The Northern Heights. Maybe Dutch Tom and our own TNH are one and the same? The drunken/mashed insomniac ramblings could easily be sent form the Neatherlands.

    Show us your Gouda!
  • edited 1:54PM
    @missiclack: Could be, could be. Though ‘Dutch Tom’ just seemed drunk, immature and narcissistic. TNH has all that, but additionally exhibits signs of a general personality disorder. Fortunate that we have his messages saved on the forum for when we need evidence to have him sectioned.
  • edited 1:54PM
    @A- you didn't sign. If you're going to have a thing, you have to always have it.
  • edited 1:54PM
    I like Neatherlands btw mc, a very subtle portmanteau of Netherlands and Neanderthal.
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