Does anyone own a dog?

edited January 2010 in General chat
Does anyone own a dog? Advice please.


  • edited 2:16PM
    Yes. Ok. Though you may need to be a bit more specific.
  • edited 2:16PM
    I was going to start a thread with a similar title this morning, but in order to ask dog owners why they think Stroud Green to Finsbury Park is such a dog-pooey area? Not that I am suggesting the culprits are SG forum members, but does anyone see who it is, or ever say anything to them? I have never lived anywhere like it in terms of having to pick my way so carefully - Evershot Rd is especially bad.
    Another baffling mystery is the plastic poo bags that are often left on the pavement - if the poo has found its way into the bag, surely the worst part is over and the bag can be put in the bin??!
  • edited 2:16PM
    i saw a (filled) plastic bag hotspot on Ashley Road the other day. Seems that local dog owners have taken it upon themselves to drop theirs at the foot of a specific dog poo tree.
  • edited 2:16PM
    I think the council's traffic enforcement officers in their little electric car would be better employed staking out the dog poo tree than looking for illegal turns on Hanley about it?
  • AliAli
    edited 2:16PM
    I was thinking there was a lot around the last few days. I was thinking it must just be frozen surprises in the snow which then melted !
  • edited 2:16PM
    Did you have a question?
  • edited 2:16PM
    I was wondering that.
  • edited 2:16PM
    I don't own a dog.

    I hope this advice helps.
  • edited 2:16PM
    It took me three years to get the council to put up a poo bin in Woodstock Rd. We have a lot of dog walkers coming from the Islington side heading towards the park and their dogs often can't wait plus they still have to be walked when the nights have drawn in and the park is closed. The park, at that time, being the only place in the area with poo bins. Now we have one at the corner of Woodstock and Perth roads and it is well used by most of the owners. But just let me catch on film the irresponsible few who are allowing their dogs to shit where they like (and giving my dog a bad name in the process) and I will make sure that the council are informed and supplied with the photographic evidence. There is one owner whose dog is always on the lead and she continues to drag it along even while it is still shitting thus leaving a nicely spread trail of dog poo. I have to be descreet, non confrontational, but I will catch them on film sooner or later.
  • edited 2:16PM
    Good luck leiba1! I wish more people would get get caught and then they might be deterred from leaving their dogs' shit all over the SG pavements. Every time there is a council survey I say that the litter isn't too bad - it's the dog shit that's the problem. There is always mess from the corner you mention down to the FP railway bridge and it's worse in the dark/rain when it's harder to avoid it. It's never cleaned quickly - always left for days to spread and fester.
  • edited 2:16PM
    @Krappyrubsmith. Has anybody ever pointed out that you have one P too many in your name?
  • edited 2:16PM
    Have seen lots of bagged up Dog Poo dumped by trees. Very strange.

    Thought it might be a Dog Walker gang thing, like trainers hanging from telephone wires..

    The shit around N4 is worrying.. I think it's the worst area in London for it.. Although I work in WC1 and it is pretty bad there as well.
  • edited 2:16PM
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  • edited 2:16PM
    They should do what they do in Paris with the 'Motocrotte' - the <a herf="">motorcycle poop patrols<a/>.

    <img src=" crotte 1.jpg">
  • edited March 2010
    Actually, the responsibility should lie not with the council, but the owner to clean up after their dogs.

    The only offence I have been guilty of is throwing a filled dog poop bag in someone's wheelie bin on Lancaster Road early one morning. It was really cold out and I couldn't hold on to it until I found a red dog poo bin.

    Sorry to whoever's bin that was. But it least it was in the bin - not on the pavement.
  • edited March 2010
    You should have clenched it in your hand - a lovely organic handwarmer.
  • IanIan
    edited 2:16PM
    Folks - just spotted an islington council motorbike dog poo patrol on Moray road. Was going to take a photo but driver was munching his breakfast and I didn't want to look like I thought he was slacking. This is brilliant but hope he also has authority to slap hefty fines on anti-social owners.
  • IanIan
    edited 2:16PM
    Folks - just spotted an islington council motorbike dog poo patrol on Moray road. Was going to take a photo but driver was munching his breakfast and I didn't want to look like I thought he was slacking. This is brilliant but hope he also has authority to slap hefty fines on anti-social owners.
  • edited 2:16PM
    @Ian how did you know he was a dog poo patroller? Was there a sign on his motorbike? I wonder if Haringey has such a patrol.
  • IanIan
    edited 2:16PM
    There was indeed a sign and the Hoover attachment et al. Unquestionably a poobike. I look forward to our councillors confirming and accepting our praise ...
  • edited 2:16PM
    @leiba1. Surely there's a better way than video evidence, which sounds risky to procure. How about taking DNA samples from offending turds and checking them against a DNA database of local dogs that the council could build? That should be good enough to stand up in court.
  • edited 2:16PM
    Poo bikes. Raises a few questions.

    1. Where do they empty them?
    2. When they're full up doesn't it unbalance the bike?
    3. Are the riders/operators paid danger money?
    4. What happens if they crash?
  • edited 2:16PM
    Hurrah! Desperately needed on Moray Road.
  • edited 2:16PM
    But surely it's not allowed to be driven on the pavement?
  • edited 2:16PM
    It's called a Poover! "The ‘Poover’ has a topbox and a long tube which delivers first a jet of water to loosen the offending turd, and then a hoover mechanism sucks the mess away"
  • edited 2:16PM
    I think there's been a clean-up on Oxford Road yesterday - there were 6 piles between my flat and the Oxford/Woodstock Road junction.

    But yesterday on my way home they'd all gone.
  • edited 2:16PM
    Do you think some of it is fox poo?

    Not the poo in the bags obviously...
  • edited 2:16PM
    @tallboy (belatedly) I wondered when someone would spot it.
  • <P>up to a £1000 fine for not picking up you dogs poo !</P> <P>Dog Orders are here !  </P> <P> </P> <P><A href=""></A></P>; <P> </P> <P>How about some Cat orders to stop them crapping in my back garden ?</P> <P> </P>
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