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Jays on Marriott Rd

edited April 2010 in Local discussion
Hi, has anyone else noticed a pair of Jays in the Marriott Rd, Tollington Park area (although people on here all seem to come from other side of SGR!)? I've seen one in my back garden quite a few times, and the other day there were two. I hope they are nesting nearby, although I read that they are woodland birds, and I wouldn't exactly class our backgardens on Marriott Rd as woodland!
Oh this is what they look like in case you wondered


  • edited 3:20AM
    There are lots of jays around the area. They are probably nesting on Parkland Walk or in the Park but they forage far and wide and will pick up peanuts from gardens.

    Not to be pendantic but there is a Wildlife in SG thread on the go for general sightings. As I am remedial in such matters I hope someone else can flag up the link.
  • edited 3:20AM
    There is a stretch of oaks along the Parkland walk between MVP and Ferme Park Rd that sustains them. There are several pairs in the trackside scrub too.
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