The sugar lounge



  • edited May 2010
    Either you've voted Lib Dem who will in all likelihood go into coalition with Labour.

    Or you've voted Tory, whose policy was to let the banks fold, whose deregulation they championed and who all vote Tory, and send the economy into meltdown.

    Or you've voted for someone stupid like Green communists or UKIP racists.

    Or maybe the BNP.

    Fuck off.
  • edited 5:48AM
    Ouch.. That told me.

    You like the Sugar lounge and you voted Labour and you called me a cock.

    I think you are challenging for number one position of idiots I adore on

    Well done you

  • edited 5:48AM
    How am I an idiot? I've got a degree in jurisprudence, you cock.
  • edited 5:48AM
    Play nicely kids. If election day is going to be like this, we'll turn the site off, close the sandpit early and not have any finger painting.
  • edited 5:48AM
    I'm being open about my political views. What's wrong with that? The whole point of politics is to try and win arguments.

    People who are coy about how they vote are really gay.

    Jungle FaceJake is a gaylord.
  • edited 5:48AM

    That is a very well rounded response. well done.

    Even the most educated man can be an idiot. As Gordon has proved.
    and you are trying to prove now.

    But it is very cute.
  • edited May 2010
    It's difficult to argue with someone who calls you an idiot because of your fairly mainstream, educated and well thought out political views. Is he coming at me from the left? Is he coming at me from the right? Or is he, more likely, cumming in a man's bottom.
  • edited May 2010
    Oh stop it slabber.

    You're getting all hard...

    Call me a Gaylord again.

    Now go in for the reach around.

    Yeah that's right.... MMM.... Call me Gordon.... yes Slabber Yes YESSS!!!!!!!
  • edited 5:48AM
    If I was gay what would be the problem eh?

    Just cos you're talkin dirty to me doesn't mean I'm Gay.

    And if I was what would be your problem?

    You're own hidden sexual frustrations..

    The love that dare not speak it's name..

  • edited 5:48AM
    Yeah, I'm gay because I called you gay.

    That's top notch, that is.

    Find your own insults, dickhead.

    P.S. No offence intended to our gay users. I have no problem with gays except Jungle FaceJake who doesn't have the balls to say which way he votes. At least we know which way he swings.
  • edited 5:48AM
    The quality of your responses is aking me panic.

    I never called you gay, but just thought that most people who use 'You're Gay' as a default insult are often trying to hide their own confused feelings.
    This may not mean you're gay, just that you probably watch a lot of porn and occasionally watch the shamales and feel really confused when you finish. And no amount of kleenex will wipe away the sadness, knowing that the only way to deal with it is to play the alpha male, even on a harmless local forum.

    Now you will probably go and have a crank whilst thinking of the babyfaced boy from the Sugar Lounge.

    I am very sorry I hit a raw nerve.

    Be strong my prince.

  • edited May 2010
    So you still won't say who you vote for?

    And yes, I once got kissed by a shemale when in Asia. It's a long story. You can have a wank about that on me.

  • edited 5:48AM
    Best debate ever.
  • edited 5:48AM
    Why Should I say who I voted for?

    It is my right not to, just like it is my right to goad you like the idiot that you are.
  • edited 5:48AM
    The reason you won't say who you voted for is because you're obviously a right wing moron without the ability to defend your bigoted political outlook.
  • edited 5:48AM
    Be clear - no-one has any rights to do anything. If you want to have a tween face-off about who's right, go and set up profiles on Bebo.
  • edited 5:48AM
    Is there anybody else here who gets pissed off by straight people?
  • edited 5:48AM
    I know some really annoying straight people. Jungle FaceJake isn't one of them.
  • edited 5:48AM
    You got me.

    That's right, I am A Right wing Moron...

    Oh how you have disproved my assertion that you are a bad judge.
    It must be obvious to anyone who has read my posts that I am a right wing Moron... you put Columbo to shame..

    Well some might say you are half right at least, which must be a record for you, I may just be a Moron...

    Thanks for your entertainment this afternoon, you are now Number one and it will take a strong challenge to topple you...

    Take care sweetheart

  • edited 5:48AM
    I try to avoid reading posts because I am inclined to reply to them and it annoys Andy when I bump a load of threads.
  • edited 5:48AM
    true enough
  • edited 5:48AM
    I wish the leadership debates on tv had been a bit more like this, I might even have watched them then.
  • edited 5:48AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 5:48AM
    Must say, I'm not impressed by what I have heard about the 'customer service' at SL, it appears a little hostile.

    I have not yet visited the bar, however someone defending them and in the same post throwing around aggressive statements and homophobic insults is not exactly convincing me otherwise.
  • edited 5:48AM
    N4Matt is gay.
  • edited 5:48AM
    Hello everyone!
    I am here again to give my side of the story for the latest comments about sugar lounge. Last saturday we did have a Turkish live music at the back. I was the singer that nite on stage and I am utterly suprised to be almost accused for treating some customers bad. I am so sorry to hear that these customers felt unwelcomed. I had a few more tables at the back room; and some of them were English; all I said over the mic was; Thank you for showing interest in our music and listening to us. That was in English; so I assumed everybody understood that I was appreciating that I had english audience listening to my band. I dont understand at which point "Lj1978" thought I was making her and her friends unwanted just because they were not Turkish; Everybody knows that my main trade is coming from my locals and only 20% of my customers are Turkish. So how would I make my main customers feel that way. I must be an idiot to behave that way and at the same time work in a hospitality /entertainment business. It was not a very busy nite so I do remember everyone and everything happened that nite, and all I can say that some ladies came from the front section to the back room with their drinks to listen to our music. They were not the only non turkish customers in the room. By the look of it everybody listened to the music and enjoyed themselves.Nobody felt unwanted because they were not Turkish. I was so happy that even the non Turkish customers showing their interest in our Turkish music. I do not accept this unfair comment.I really am upset that you felt that way and I have been accused for something that I did not do at all. Coming to the drunken man who claims himself as my brother; I am not responsible for anybody's speech unless it is brought to my attention;I did not even know because I was on stage. If the ladies told the security about this man he would have been removed immediately. When I realised that he was very drunk and bothering he was taken out from the bar. We try our best to host everyone who comes in peace. it does not matter how much money is being spent at the sugar lounge. I remember some nites that the whole table ordered tap water except one alcoholic drink.You might have noticed that we recently put a nice guy at the door as a security.This was because we had an unpleasant experience with some locals ; I and my staff have been insulted and abused. As a licensee I do have a responsibility to protect everyone in my restaurant.By refusing entry or to sell alcohol to someone who appears to be drunk is only to protect other people in the bar including my staff and myself. Unfortunately we can only act on assumptions; I do apologize if my door man made a wrong assumptions about someone being drunk; it could have been explained to the door man in private without making it too complicated . I am not going into details about my staff being too push towards lady customers. It is not acceptable in my management.They are there to serve you and make you fell comfortable. I thank you for bringing this issue to my attention. They will be told to do their job in a gentlemen like manner; I do apologize for causing unnecessary arguments between some guys on the site. I understand that we do have some fans and they do get sensitive over some of the unfair remarks about sugar lounge but it is really unnecessary to take to a different level. I do hope that we will be welcomed on Stroud Green road, and there will be an end to this misunderstandings. It is a very difficult time for all of us and we are working very hard at the sugar lounge. I always endevour to be a good host. Your criticism is highly appreciated when it is constructive. But i dont think it is nice to make unfair comments based on a blured judgement. I would also like to add that our business is open for everyone to come and judge for themselves.
  • edited 5:48AM
    Yes Marquis, but no more than I get pissed off with anyone who doesn't realise that it's not on to bandy any kind of 'ist' comments or insults.

    I'm glad that Slabber and JFK have stopped it now.
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