victoria terrace peace party

edited June 2010 in Local discussion
Hi There!

WKD is organizing its third street party and welcomes talented artists to perform to the Victoria Terrace Peace Party, featuring live music stages, incredible bands and DJs, caipirinhas bar, barbaques, bouncy castle and much more, and as we've been doing every year since, all profits will be donate to the Charity Kids Company (

The event will be hold on the 17th July 2010, and we're looking for all kind of performers, such as musicians, singers, dancers, clowns, jugglers, acrobats, stilt walkers, mime artists, fire-eaters, sword swallowers, etc. If you've got any talent to entretain audiences let us know your project!

As this is a charity event we can't afford to pay performers, although expenses will be paid.

Check us out in

If you're interested, contact Danny at:


Hope to see you there!


  • edited 11:34AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • IanIan
    edited 11:34AM
    If so do they get the irony of running a peace party?
  • edited 11:34AM
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  • AliAli
    edited 11:34AM
    Currently getting set up nobody there yet apart from 3 PCos
  • edited 11:34AM
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  • edited 11:34AM
    oh, so that's what is disturbing my peace?!
  • edited 11:34AM
    Till midnight according to website.
  • edited 11:34AM
    Not digging that drumming. Earplugs for me & mrs L tonight.
  • edited 11:34AM
    Personally, I thought the party (which went on till 3am in the end!) was pretty good. And the theme of peace seemed genuine, not just a cynical ploy to part idealistic punters from their dosh. I'm involved with the Stop the War Coalition, among other groups, and I had numerous positive discussions with people -- some of them neighbours I hadn't seen since last year's street party -- who share our opposition to the occupation of Iraq and the war in Afghanistan.
  • edited 11:34AM
    It's quite easy to have positive discussions with people who already agree with you.
  • edited 11:34AM
    I agree with ADGS
  • edited 11:34AM
    Yes, Graeme & ADGS. "It's easy to have positive discussions with people who already agree with you." You're right, of course, but the point here is that I DIDN'T KNOW the attitudes of most of the people I spoke to until I had spoken to them. Seems that more people than some would like think that 'our' -- ie. the British ruling class' -- troops should be withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan. There WERE people at the party who expressed an opposing view -- that British soldiers occupying any given country MEANS peace (presumably vs. the violent anarchy supposedly engendered by 'the natives' being 'allowed' to run their own countries. This is the 21st century; there's no place for arrogant, racist, murderous neo-colonialism based on the rule of money, oil and guns.
  • edited 11:34AM
    Whereas arrogant, racist, murderous behaviour by non-Westerners is presumably fine, given Stop The War's support for Hezbollah and similar outfits? Neo-colonialism's not great, but it's at least comparatively modern when set against neo-medievalist Caliphate enthusiasts.
  • edited 11:34AM
    Please take this to the Stop the War thread.
  • edited 11:34AM
    Completely agree with ADGS. Those who claim to be progressives or leftists should read Christopher Hitchen’s memoir and ask themselves the hard questions that he asks them. Why is it that the left has consistently opposed intervention against fascists of one stripe or another for so many years? If it was up to the ‘left’ Galtieri, Milosevic, Hussein – all these murderous tyrants would still be in power. Whatever legitimate criticisms might be made about inconsistency or concerning the various incompetencies of the latter two interventions (and there are many) you have to ask yourself why we should leave genocidal maniacs alone just because they are ‘foreign’ – isn’t that ‘racist’? And are you really saying that we should allow that kind of behaviour just in case the intervener might be accused of having their own interests? No, states loose their right to sovereignty if they fail to protect their citizens, and most especially if they are violating their human rights themselves. The anti-war movement is conservative and unquestioning, displaying all the fallacies of reactionary anti-imperialism. Also, I'm not sure that we should be deaf to the secular, left wing forces in Iraq *today* (trade unions et al) who support the invasion and are begging the Left in the west for assistance rather than abandonment. See the Commissar’s post for an example of this confusion – surely it was Saddam Hussein’s regime that was based on money, oil and guns, but unlike the current regime was also enforced by torture, terror, no freedom of expression, no right to representation – it was a vicious personality cult built up by a psychotic thug. If you really believe in human rights, cosmopolitanism and the rule of law you should be directing your energies towards reforms of the UN and the international system precisely to allow and encourage such interventions so that they can be seen as impartial. Parochialism is categorically not the way forward.
  • edited 11:34AM
    (sorry Andy, didn't see your message in time... do we have a STW thread?)
  • edited 11:34AM
    I know this is the internet but this sort of pseudo-liberal, neo-imperialist claptrap is seriously out of place in a discussion of last Saturday's party in Victoria Terrace. Gunboat diplomacy shouldn't be an option--even in its updated drones and playstations mode.
    Against my expectations the Vicky Terrace party was a pleasant, affirmative celebration of the very best things swirling around us here in "multicultural" London.
  • AliAli
    edited 11:34AM
    Arkady on a more cheerful note did you ever find time to comend that nice LU employee on the Victoria Line that was mentoined a while back?
  • edited 11:34AM
    @andy: ha Ali: Thanks for the reminder, I have just done so via the TFL website. I'll let you know what they come back with. @Jeremy: 'pseudo-liberal', 'neo-imperialist', 'gunboat diplomacy' - they're just words without an argument. Happy to listen if you would like to address any specific points and explain why we should tolerate genocide and other human rights abuses. I'm very glad the party was fun. A
  • edited 11:34AM
    The Victoria Terrace peace party seems to be happening today. The awnings and balloons are going up and there's a little stage.
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