The Noble has been sold!

edited June 2010 in Local discussion
So The Noble has been sold apparently! Closing/leaving night for the owners on the 26th... Anyone heard anything else?


  • edited 12:52AM
    the noble has not been sold- the 26th there is a
    leaving party for the chef who is going back to australia
  • edited 12:52AM
    I think you'll find that the first comment is correct.
    New proprietors are taking over.
  • edited 12:52AM
    new people in both the Larrik (Stapleton Tavern) and the Noble.

    I really like the Noble, it is my pub of choice out of the three on that corner, hope any changes are not too fundamental
  • edited 12:52AM
    The first comment is not correct. I was in The Noble on Saturday and enquired. Also alerted them to this thread. In fact I believe 'lucky' might be the current proprietor correcting the misinformation.
  • edited 12:52AM
    good, good
  • edited 12:52AM
    Let's not bicker.
    I can assure you that the information is correct.
    It came from out of the horse's mouth.
    The departing chef is also one of the original owners.
  • edited 12:52AM
    I don't want to bicker either Jeremy but I can only say what I was told when I asked in The Noble on Saturday. "No, it hasn't been sold. It is still on sale." Why would they say that? Why would lucky then put a correction on this thread?
  • edited 12:52AM
    I imagine that they think this information is commercially sensitive.
  • edited June 2010
    When I told a friend we were thinking of moving to N4, he commented that his father had put an offer in for a pub called The Noble. Last week he told me his father had been out bid. I think it has been sold. I've only visited it once before we moved here and it seemed ok. My friends father and brother have a few really good pubs in north london, so I was quite disappointed when I found out he didn't get The Noble.
  • edited June 2010
    It has been sold. I'm with Ewan in hoping that the inevitable changes aren't too abrupt. The pub serves a great purpose at the moment and it would be a shame to see it slip towards either end of the scale currently personified by the Dairy or the Larrick. I hope the new owners don't strip it of its personality and leave it floundering in a quagmire of self-detriment. Ahem... I hope it doesn't now go to sh*t.
  • edited 12:52AM
    They had a bad attitude toward toddlers and balloons so wont be missed by me
  • edited 12:52AM
    I like the Noble for its lack of pretentiousness. ie it doesn't pretend to be anything other than an expensive gastropub. I normally prefer a proper pub, but the Noble is a good altrnative for a drink, where you can sit down and chat. I hope it stays like that. They did have a DJ playing music disturbingly loudly one time I was in there recently. Having said that, I'm not so sure that a pub needs to go so far as to focus on the toddlers and balloons market. (Although when I have both of those, I'll probably change my tune.)
  • AliAli
    edited 12:52AM
    They have always bene good with our kids. WE adopt the poicly of Sunday Lunch be ther first at 12 have a lunch and some beers bugger of before it gets busy. It is also the best time for Simon Pegg spotting as he has a pint on the way home from colecting the Sunday Papers
  • edited 12:52AM
    And he's invariably in there late afternoon/early evening on a Sunday - whilst walking the dog.
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