Fruit Lady to be evicted by Council !

edited July 2010 in Local discussion
Quick chat tonight reveals the council are trying to move here on. She is on TfL land so might be okay. Not sure which Council it is but if there are any Councillors on here that can help her you should because she provided a great service, fruit and veg to the community which is what we want. She has book for people to sign to help her so sign up and support. Bet it has got something to do with Nisa ?


  • edited 5:20PM
    Weird. Why?
  • edited 5:20PM
    Hope she stays - she's great.

    Surely whichever council it is can find more profitable ways to use its resources than hounding fruit and veg stallholders out of Finsbury Park hmmmm?
  • edited 5:20PM
    Some one should get a campaign going on that Your Freedom thing:

    If we find out the laws the council are using to try and evict her and call on the government to reappeal those, we could set up a petition online.

    Then I suggest we present it to the council and send a few press releases out to the London papers saying we have done so.

    I am happy to write up petition/press releases if someone will give me a hint as to what the laws being used to evict her are.

    Who is with me?
  • edited 5:20PM
    Local government feels threatened by cuts, so to reassert its authoritah it bullies the people it supposedly serves. Sounds about par for the course.
  • edited 5:20PM
    I'm with you Hannah! She sells amazing fruit. I can't believe the council is trying to stop her, what harm is she doing?
  • edited 5:20PM
    I'm sure Health & Safety can find dozens of entirely hypothetical dangers posed by her presence.
  • edited 5:20PM
    I recall the fruit lady's BNP-supporting husband suggesting that I should be hanged as a traitor and trying to get me and other Stop the War activists moved on by the police for daring to leaflet and petition against the war in Iraq next to their precious Wells Terrace stall.
    I don't hold a grudge, though. If people like her stuff, she should be allowed to stay -- but the fruit and veg should carry a health warning: "This produce is being retailed by brain-dead, Sun- and Mail-reading bigots".
  • edited 5:20PM
    commissar 17- Stalin would have you banished to the gulags for such degenerate, psudo-bourgoise liberal sentiments
  • edited 5:20PM
    And there I was having resolved to buy all my fruit and veg from her now that Woodys has closed. She is great. Is this a conspiracy orchestrated by S_______ys?
  • AliAli
    edited 5:20PM
    It could be N--a
  • edited 5:20PM
    Fascists versus communists: whoever loses, we win.
  • edited July 2010
    @taff bach - I'd have said that commissar17's ad hominem, guilt-by-association, 'not one of us' smear tactics were exactly the sort of tactics much beloved of Stalin. It would have got him a promotion.

    But I digress.

    Any more on this Hannah?
  • edited 5:20PM
    Only just cottoned on to Nisa. So do we think Nisa a is a Good Thing or not? Or is it a Sainsburys Local situation?
  • edited 5:20PM
    @andy Nope, I need to know what grounds the council are trying to evict her on first, then I can post a link for the petition?

    Or, maybe I should stop being such a lazy journo and go and ask her myself....
  • AliAli
    edited 5:20PM
    She is still collecting signatures
  • edited 5:20PM
    I don't know why Commissar 17 would be saying such things about the fruit ladies husband, her husband is a very polite friendly man, and is always courteous to all. Let them be allowed to continue to sell their wonderful fruit & veg ....... and be left in peace.
  • AliAli
    edited 5:20PM
    On the way home I am going to buy a pound of her lovely Apricots and make at least 4 jars of nice jam for next to nothing ! They will provide a bit of Summer sunshine on my toast on a grey cold winter morning !
  • I've not bought anything from her since her thuggish assistant pushed my lovely young niece around when she was handing out Stop The War leaflets at the tube entrance. So if fruit lady gets bullied about now herself I don't much care.
  • edited 5:20PM
    Is "an eye for eye" one of the central tenets of the Stop the War crowd?

    The two anti-fruit-lady stop-the-war posters have been far more keen on retribution than I would have assumed, you know, from the name.
  • I just read commissar17's post, after posting my own on fruit lady's man friend/husband/SSobergrupenfuhrer/whatever. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
  • @andy. I'm a pacifist too, but I'll poke you in the eye next time.
  • edited 5:20PM
    talking of jam, I have a silly amount of red currants and cherries in the fridge that need to be used. any ideas?
  • AliAli
    edited 5:20PM
    Red Current or Cherry Liquer
  • edited 5:20PM
    Redcurrants are quite nice with lamb or as a sorbet. Cherry jam with a bit of kirsch in is the stand out favourite option.
  • edited 5:20PM
    There used to be a rubbish indie band called Les Incompetents, and the name was entirely fitting - they were chiefly famous because one of them was dating Peaches Geldof for a bit. Anyway, the singer got into a fight with a guy on the 29, who followed him off the bus and punched him into a coma. Said assailant being described, in all the coverage, as a 'peace activist'. Oh how I larfed.
  • edited 5:20PM
  • edited 5:20PM
    Isn't it to do with the station refurb? Aren't they meant to be expanding the ticket area?
  • edited 5:20PM
    I made a big pan of jam with my left over fruit. not too bad for a first effort, however I added too much sugar.. can I add some water tomorrow and reboil it again to dilute it a touch? @matt, i believe the plans for barriers at wells terrace entrance were shelved a while back due to funds. they're not doing the lift either, its somewhere on this site..
  • edited 5:20PM
    I think Islington has declared war on 'street traders'. They recently shafted all the pavement stalls outside Highbury and Islington tube as well, so now you have to go to McDonalds for a coffee.
  • edited July 2010
    Post to wrong thread, deleted.
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