The noise from Sugar Lounge

edited July 2010 in Local discussion
I live near Sugar Lounge, as more than a hundred or so people probably do and the noise over the Summer at the weekend has been very annoying. I live in a cheap rent controlled flat and moved here before Chapter One and Lava Lounge went really late night but having seats outside at 2 am and people shouting their heards off, pissed out of their heads is really annoying if you're having a night in as many of us want to do esp. if you're getting on a bit.

Please Bee (manager I think), and Sugar Lounge bring your chairs in around 10 pm when you're supposed to and have security or your staff ask loud mouths to move inside or away. It's getting out of hand. There have been people sitting outside at 4 am.

I do hope your business does well but consider the local residents. Thanks


  • IanIan
    edited 3:42PM
    You should complain straight away to the noise patrol. It's a bit of a pain as they want to come round your house and check the noise but it is a good service. I think late night noise can be really miserable for people and many will either endure it or not know how to complain. I went through weeks and weeks complaining about Chapter 1 and eventually they were stopped, another resident of my street closer to them had also complained and they took the readings from there which helped.
  • edited 3:42PM
    I am about to peruse that avenue as I have been more than tolerant to them and they show no respect for the people around them. Just was wondering how many other residents were annoyed by them. I think it's against the law to have seats and tables out past ten pm? Am i right? I think they're worse than Chapter One who were closed down due to noise. They have pushed us far enough!
  • edited 3:42PM
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  • edited July 2010
    but surely she should have enough sense to know it's annoying to have people out on the street on tables past 10 shouting their heads off. But I think she wants to make as much money from the heatwave as possible. She is into the Lounge as a cool eaterie and chilled zone but the late night booze crowd help her subsidise it all and she's willing to push things a bit. She shouldn't have to wait for noise officers to call around.
  • edited July 2010
    All she cares about is her dream and she doesn't care about the communtiy around her
  • edited 3:42PM
    In which case keep complaining and make the renewal of the licence as difficult as possible, or wait until lovely winter when this sort of problem tends to evaporate.
  • edited 3:42PM
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  • edited 3:42PM
    I'd go straight to the licensing team at Islington. They are in breach of their license. Are you certain they have a license at all for tables outside?

    We had a problem with the White Lion. I just used to call them up if they were tardy in taking the tables and chairs in at 11pm. God bless 'em they were always really courteous and quick to act.

    I doubt they'd lose their license over it straight away, but you'd hope they clean their act up. If not, then they deserve to lose it.
  • edited 3:42PM
    Thanks for the advice. I realise I've been too easy going about it. Chapter One tended to be more considerate. They had security generally making sure people weren't drinking outside and took the tables in when it got late.
  • edited 3:42PM
    NIMBYs, or should the plural be Nimbies?, all. Bet nobody in Stroud Green would mind anyone having a drink at an outside table, even at 4am, if it were in Tooting Bec! Of far more importance is the fact that, at the said 4am, nobody can buy a drink to take home (which would dampen the ire of those who think that sleeping and/or being as quiet as C-of-E mice are the only things allowed by law or custom at that time in the morning) because there's no more Woody's! Shame; disaster; questions should be asked in the House! Sorry. Wrong thread, perhaps.
  • edited 3:42PM
    I'm on the side of the NIMBY, in this instance. How are we to face the misery of this petty pace, creeping in from day to day, without a good night's sleep? If I were Commissar, I would ban all noise after 10pm, with no exceptions, not even for you, dear Steve, as you stumble merrily home, at 4 in the morning, bawling the Internationale, in Z flat minor.

    PS. Actually, I'd ban all noise at all times of day. Did you know that the sound of Bow Bells was once audible even in Hornsey, and that thus by definition Cockneys were everywhere, and not just in the East End? Today, even the church mice would have their work cut out to hear the bloody things.... assuming they still toll.... where ARE Bow Bells, anyway? - But I digress. As usual.
  • edited 3:42PM
    Bow bells are in St Mary le Bow on Cheapside. It must have been an extremely quiet day when they were heard in Hornsey, given the competition from all the other church bells.
  • edited 3:42PM
    I can’t see the Bow Bells (though I can see the roof of St Paul’s nearby) but I can see the spire of St Leonard’s (the bells of Shoreditch) from my balcony on Mount View Rd. I doubt I can hear them though! Incidentally I’d been trying to work out which spire it was for ages, and then I was watching the new BBC comedy Rev. and noticed that they film it in that church. Wikipedia did the rest. Still lots of spires to identify though, somehow the perspective makes it difficult.
  • edited 3:42PM
    hello everyone; I am so sorry for causing noise nuisance to our neighbours; a nice lady contacted me and told me on the phone a month ago and brought this issue to my attention;and I have also talked to my lovely neighbour opposite the road; i did promise to take all the precautions; we are going to put the tables in from 11 pm; i am at the door nearly every nite to control the drinking outside issue; even the tables are in people smoke out side and when they had some drinks they can get loud but i tell people to be quiet not to wake people up; in one occasion my security received a very hostile reaction to his keep quiet or move away request; the nice hot nights have been longed for a long time by everyone and we just stretched our limits to let people enjoy but ofcourse trusted that everybody should pay attention to this noise issue. I am serving mostly to the same regular customer who live across the road or just round the corner; I can do this much better if everyone can show some understanding to this problem. i do care about everyone's view and comments ; I promise to keep it under control. i am doing my best to create a safe, chilled late drinking for my neighbours and it would be a shame to cause extreme problems to the business since we can solve them altogether; i think that you all come and spend time at the sugar lounge and hope you are enjoying it ; please do not hesitate to warn me if i fail to keep my promises. also please bear in mind that we are not the only late place on the street; some other places can get mixed up with us. because i am really on this issue and i think i have made improvement since i received those warnings.
  • edited 3:42PM
    Thanks for your comments and I'm happy that you will make a better effort to control the late night drinking that spills out on the street. I understand many people still smoke and need to go outside to do so but you aren't supposed to have tables on the pavement late at night. I'm happy you are taking in the tables at 11 pm, but last night you left a couple out on them after that time. You have to be tougher and ask customers to move in before 11 pm. And security/staff should monitor outside to stop anti-social behaviour.

    The residents around are tired of fights and drunks. They all descended on Chapter One and I was hoping that when it shut down you would attract a more sophisticated customer. If you chose to have late night drinking you must make sure the customers dont' cause problems for the local residents. The people in the other flats in my house are fed up too as are others around. From June onwards I haven't been able to open my window late at night because of the noise. If I watch a dvd all I can hear are people shouting.

    By the way, I like to go ou to bars and clubs, and have been asked to move in on many occassions after 10. It's not nice on a hot night to have to go inside but I understood that there were neighbours around. The heatwave isn't an excuse to have people outside shouting.

    I was away from London last week, but I said to myself and others if things don't improve when I get back in August I will make official complaints. Hopefully this won't be neccessary now. As I said before I hope your bar does well but you have to respect those around you especially late at night.
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