Helicopters tonight

edited June 2010 in Local discussion
Helicopter really loud outside - anyone know what is going on?


  • edited 8:17PM
    No, but we noticed that too - it was drowning out the N19 jukebox just after my friend put Van Halen on. Poor show.
  • edited 8:17PM
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  • edited 8:17PM
    Over Crouch End now
  • edited 8:17PM
    Is there some big police sting going on at the moment? I've been woken up a number of times in the last couple of weeks >:(
  • edited 8:17PM
    There's been several nights recently when we have heard the police helicopter just hovering around - sounds like they were looking for someone or something. I have also noticed several police hanging around in unmarked cars but wearing uniforms (slightly covered).
  • edited 8:17PM
    Was having a drink just behind Kings Cross last night, and the road the pub was on was completely shut down by about 15-20 police cars, including vans, unmarked cars and a mix of plain clothed and uniformed policemen, some with machine guns. They were all there for about an hour or so, just milling about, getting ready, and then slowly moved on to whatever sting they were about to undertake. But yeah, the helicopter's been mental recently, especially the night before last I think it was.
  • CatCat
    edited 8:17PM
    The helicopter often flys over the Finsbury Park area on it's way to and from it's base in Lippitts Hill, Loughton. So it's not always above us because of stuff going on in the area.
  • edited 8:17PM
    I thought the helicopter was tracking down that wily fox screeching down my road!
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