Sugar Lounge doesn't care about its neighbours

edited August 2010 in Local discussion
Despite what the manager/owner said on here last week this bar doesn't care about its neighbours. All this evening and for the last few evenings people have been shouting their heads off outside the bar. Infact last weekend one of your staff was shouting his head off on his phone about going ot the Ministry of Sound.

Please hire secuirity to control your drunk customers if you're going to have a late night bar. Chapter One at least had.


  • edited 2:54AM
    I am glad I don't live opposite. Why don't you routinely call the Islington council noise control unit every time it happens. Give 'em a hard time. Probably a mobile telephone number you can call.

    Initially I thought this place was an asset to SGR, but now I don't think I'll go there any more. Nasty. Real disrespect for the area. Get thy act together!
  • edited 2:54AM
    Islington noise abatement :

    020 7527 3229 (8pm–2am on Sunday to Thursday; and 10pm–4am on Friday and Saturday)
  • edited 2:54AM
    I had a big problem with extremely noisy elephants living upstairs in my last flat and had quite a lot of dealings with the noise abatement team.
    You can wait up to two hours for them to come out on a Saturday, as you'd expect they are kept busy and apparently there are only half a dozen of the team on call for the whole borough.They'll need to come into your bedroom to measure the noise and they will only progress a complaint if the noise is loud where you sleep - not in the rest of your house. They were super efficient once they'd ascertained that the noise was anti social and they served the elephants with an ASBO and removed their tv and stereo!
    I have angels that walk around on tiptoes living upstairs now, hurrah!
  • edited 2:54AM
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  • edited 2:54AM
    Misscara but for many nights after you promised to deal with it wasn't quiet. Big groups standing outside shouting at each other. I heard it. No lie. Most late night bars in London hire security to control people. I'm sorry to use that word but English drinkers need control late at night. I've lived on mainland Europe and late night drinkers are different but here they find a bar open and go crazy.

    Thanks for taking in the tables but I get the impression you did this because of the complaints and knowledge that it's not so hot now. Deep in your heart you just want money and don't care about your the noise. You probably curse us! Your last comment here is not so friendly. The one before was patronising and superficial.

    Please remember that many of us are nice people and haven't called officers. We'd prefer if you just take action yourself.
  • edited 2:54AM
    misscara is not the sugar lounge.
  • edited August 2010
    Yes, I agree, maybe finally they've got things under control.
  • edited 2:54AM
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  • edited 2:54AM
    Kreuzkav - what a strange edit. Perhaps the original post accusing Misscara of doing Sugar Lounge's PR and being generally obnoxious towards SugarLounge was a bit much...
  • edited August 2010
    Over the years, neighbours of Sugar Lounge and Chapter One have had to deal with obnoxious drunks. I was angry after a Summer of drunks people sitting outside Sugar Lounge shouting. I couldn't open my window. I could have called officers but didn't. All I asked from Sugar Lounge is to calm their customers down. But even last week they had people outside shouting. For many nights too! But it was strangely calm on Friday....................

    I edited because I realised that I wanted to be a bit more encouraging and positive towards them.

    I thought Misscara was a singer there.

    As I said I'm happy you've started to take in the tables but please respect us and stop people shoting their heads off late at night.

    As you said you want to work with us not against us!

  • edited August 2010
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  • edited 2:54AM
    I think that it's fair that any venue like this should be mindful of their neighbours and not over do the noise.

    However when purchasing or renting a property, common sense dictates that if you live above or next to a pub then you must be aware that such a location will be noiser than a 100% residential area.

    Pubs/bars serve alcohol late into the night and people will be arriving at all hours, more than likely they will be in high spirits.

    My understanding is that Sugar Lounge are not noisy in the same way as Karmenz are/were. Perhaps I am wrong?
  • edited 2:54AM
    Yes N4Matt, I'd tend to agree.
    I turned down a rather lovely flat on Landseer Road a couple of years ago for that very reason - too near the Landseer. It's a splendid drinking establishment but with outdoor seating which would quite naturally mean noisy summer evenings for local residents.
  • edited 2:54AM
    I agree, and I have no idea what kreuzkav's situation is but not everyone has the (financial) luxury of choice, but nonetheless deserve a bit of kip.
  • edited 2:54AM
    Thanks Emma for your understanding. Basically, I am quite poor. I'm on a low income (I work full time but earn very little) and after 3 years on a waiting list I was placed on Stroud Green Road. The flat has a cheap rent and warm. At first I hated it because of the buses but Chapter one just caused a bit of noise late at night on Friday or Saturday night. Nothing too big.

    Then the smoking ban came in (2007). Things changed. Lots of people outside Chapter One. Lots of noise, in the Summer nearly every night but the Summers were n't so hot.

    This Summer was hot in late June and July and people were left out late at night outside Sugar Lounge. Shouting etc. I'm not a fussy person but after months of this it does get annoying, even if you're a tolerant person. I'm just a bit mouthy too and like to see fairness.

    I can't afford to move to a private rent flat as I'm a low earner and don't want to live in a shared house as I'm well into my 30s. I have considered it and even moving out of London because of the noise, even though I really like Stroud Green.

    My other neighbours feel the same.
  • edited 2:54AM
    You're right Miss Annie about infecting other threads. I think it's just something that really took me over. Other methods are more effective and I should keep to particular threads. However, I think some of the people on here have been abusive and there seems to be a glee club that has been formed. I guess I've always been a bit of an outsider and tend to get wound up about being ganged up on. That's increased my fury. But it's wasting my time and energy! Time to move on!
  • edited 2:54AM
    @kreuzkav I don't know how you stayed sane. Every time I've been in there the music has been too loud and the people too noisy.
  • edited November 2010
    It's still very popular though....
  • edited 2:54AM
    I think it's important to realise that the people on a message board are not the problem, it's the Sugar Lounge, and (more importantly) there's nothing the people on this message board can actively do about the problem - you've been given shedloads of good advice about what to do to resolve the issue, but you only ever seem to complain on here. It's no wonder the sympathy has waned.
  • edited 2:54AM
    I still sympathise because I know from experience that noise pollution can wear down your resilience and sense of proportion until it takes over your life and makes you act/write in a way you wouldn't normally. It can make you feel vulnerable and out of control. You have received from good suggestions and advice on here, good luck with trying to resolve it.
  • edited November 2010
    I agree Emma and thanks Jenowl for your lovely understanding. I do agree I've gone a bit crazy over it. For the moment, being winter things have calmed down and I've learnt to go to bed early if I'm not out as it gets very noisy after midnight. The owner and her crew have managed to stop people going out drinking and I'm grateful for that, although they don't always bring the tables in at 11 pm as promised but it's cold now and very few people want to hang out at night.

    My big rants lately were about the drunk people who seem to be causing a lot of the noise after midnight esp. after 2 am and I think that doesn't include people on this board. They seem to be more civilized, but some of the people making all the noise seem like total idiots. Infact I think I like a lot of the board members. Misscara and Miss Annie seem like lovely people. ADGS seems like a very interesting individual, as well as a nice bloke. I think the owner of SL is quite nice too but naturally late night drinkers are great business for her and pays for the business. I think she'd prefer to keep it as a daytime evening venue with music, good food etc. but it's probably not enough to keep the business going.

    I realise it's best to find other ways of dealing with if the noise gets out of hand again, especially when spring and summer come round. I just needed to let off some steam, but I realise it's alienating me from others on here and causing me extra stress.
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  • edited 2:54AM
    That's a relief, the clientele might be more sedate than the idiots that often used to frequent Chapter One.
  • edited 2:54AM
    Don't tease us, Misscara.
  • edited 2:54AM
    Wasn't someone saying a while back that back before it was the Noble or Big Fat Sofa, the Flag used to screen hardcore gay porn? So clearly it would be in keeping with the area's heritage.
  • edited 2:54AM
    Misscara - didn't you say last night it was going to be a knitting shop by day and strip joint/massage parlour/hardcore gay porn venue in the evening?
  • edited November 2010
    Good luck with your venture!
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