One Day

edited August 2010 in Local discussion
Can't see if anyone has posted it already, but it appears that there is some filming going on in Granville Road for the screen adaptation of One Day.

Loads of "on location" vans parked up with the name of the film in their windscreens and some producer-types looking concerned into a monitor.

Maybe Stroud Green is the new Ealing, if not quite the new Hollywood.


  • edited 2:00AM
    today they are filming it in lincoln's inn fields. i work there and filming trucks take over the fields at least once a month, yet i have never ever seen any action. [imdb]( says anne hathaway is playing emma, that is so wrong.
  • edited 2:00AM
    Pray enlighten, what is 'One Day'? I don't watch the TV gadget thing.
  • edited 2:00AM
    it's a book by david nicholls (he also wrote starter for ten), we did it for book group a few months ago. it has a bright orange cover - you will almost definitely see someone on the tube reading it. it's rather good actually. lots of it is set in north london, though i thought more hampsteady than our bit.
  • AliAli
    edited 2:00AM
    This thread has solved a little mystery for me. I have been seeing bright green pointy signs with OD LOC written on them. I have seen them at the Crouch End end of Ferme Park Road at the roundabout and on the cross roads at Great Queen Street and High Holborn. I couldn’t work out the connection now is completely obvious!
  • edited 2:00AM
    Think the owner of the house in Granville Road is in the film business because I remember getting a note through about 5 or so years ago warning us about a film location in a house round here, and he said he lived in Granville Road. It's all about who knows who in that business. They set up a food stall on the Green and it looked so tempting but I did not try and pretend I was a film person! Don't know the book but I think the director did Lost in Translation.
  • edited 2:00AM
    Lost in Translation was directed by Sophia Coppola (daughter to Francis Ford). No sign on Wiki that she's doing this though.
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