burglary in moray rd finsbury park

edited August 2010 in Local discussion
at 3.40am a dustbin was chucked though a bay sash window and a new apple mac pc was stolen, the thief was seen by the owner climbing back out the window, the thief was seen 10 mins before walking up and down the street he was wearing a moter bike crash helmet , if anyone has been burgled or has had some one try to break in please let me know on samhadfield@hotmail.co.uk from 24hr carpenters and locksmiths so we can add this in our monthly news letter or phone me on 07940775651


  • edited August 2010
    Sam, we were burgled twice in a similar way - brick chucked through a bay window to steal laptops in the middle of a Saturday night. We live on Florence Road. Are you a locksmith? What is this newsletter?
  • RegReg
    edited 4:49AM
    Has Medi branched out?
  • edited 4:49AM
    We were burgled on Corbyn Street 4 years ago in a very similar way (dustbin placed against the front door, bay sash window popped open with a spade from 5 doors up, in and out in seconds with a laptop whilst we slept upstairs and get away on a motorbike).

    What with this and the muggings and attacks detailed on the other thread, I'm feeling a bit depressed...
  • edited 4:49AM
    HI Donna yes i run 24hr carpenters and locksmiths im based on fonthill rd, yes what i have done i have started a local news letter a monthly just to let people know what is going on around here and break-ins that are going on , in the letter i ask people to email me if they have been a victim of burglary crime and when it happened, so this could be the same team that robbed your laptops, comes to something when someone just picks up a bin or a brick and just smash your windows and takes your goods even when you are indoors,most of the burglary i go to have had doors broken windows forced open not dustbins chucked though i will put the news letter on here so people can see, please can you tell me when this happened to you Donna thanks sam
  • edited 4:49AM
    In happier news....
    The Met Office are prophesying bright sunshine and no rain on Bank Holiday Monday!
  • edited 4:49AM
    I have a chum who works for the crime prevention dept for the council (not our local council) and she recommends <a href="http://www.sure24.co.uk/catalog/glass-guard-window-shock-vibration-alarm-sggb-p-56.html?osCsid=10c6ac9677ade9841825afdb4327a5fc">this type of alarm</a>, which you stick to your window. It is set off by vibration and is very loud! Apparently it is a good deterrent.
  • edited 4:49AM
    Hi missisclack
    thanks for your post what these people are doing is looking at things on display i know we should be able to leave things were we want but today we just cant sad, a few things i tell people make sure you dont leave garden tools in garden try and lock them away i know it was not yours nut like you said it came from 5 doors away , another thing people seem to do is to have overgrown hedges which becomes a black spot i will post my newsletter on here now so people are aware and can keep a eye out sam
  • edited 4:49AM
    I love my hedge - I live in a ground floor flat and it's nice to have the privacy.
    It does get a bit out of control sometimes though so if there any accomplished hedge trimmers amongst us I'd appreciate tips on pruning. I had a try but had to improvise with the tools (kitchen scissors) and then got bored, so it's a little bit wonky now.
  • edited 4:49AM
    If in doubt keep them out
    some tips from sam hadfield from 24hr carpenters and locksmiths

    Reporting any unfamiliar people knocking on doors and hanging around

    Checking callers identity

    if a distraction burglary has taken place or been attempted, encourage the victim to report it as quick as possible

    burglary on the whole is a opportunist crime a burglary will select his target because it offers him the best opportunity to carry out his crime with the fewest number of obstacles in his way

    side gates open
    accessible windows open
    ladders left out for them to use
    garden tools available to force entry
    untrimmed hedges and high fences preventing natural surveillance
  • edited 4:49AM
    "HOW DOES A BURGLARS MIND WORK?" *I like drugs. I would like some money for drugs. Drugs are yum.* Is too often the way they work.
  • edited 4:49AM
    @ miss annie - i use window film, it is quite cheap and relatively easy to do, meaning that you can cut your hedge to a decent level and maintain privacy <http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FROSTED-GLASS-PRIVACY-WINDOW-FILM-100cm-Width-x-1m-/120451747469?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3#ht_1512wt_1139>;
  • edited 4:49AM
    I like the hedge because it gives me privacy when I'm pottering about but I can still see out of the window and through the somewhat patchy hedge. I might find film a little claustrophobic.
  • edited 4:49AM
    Hmm, maybe. But you do get used to it very quickly - it lets 90% of the light through
  • RegReg
    edited 4:49AM
    It is just me that finds this a bit sensationalist and unnecessary? The local police produce their own updates and advice. Providing Samtheman with details of crime so that he can stir up more concern to encourage people to buy stuff off him leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
  • edited 4:49AM
    hi ya reg nice comment is sam the man trying to sale his company , well when i do get called out i don't do it for free unless you are over 65 years old and then i still charge you for parts, i live in fonthill road l thought it would be good just to let people on here know whats going on and a free survey don't mean that you have to use my company i have never had a letter from the police come though my letter box telling me what crime has been done this month, i only find out when i attend burglarys , let me ask you one thing Reg what borough do you think most crime is taking place say last 6 months
  • edited 4:49AM
    my interpretation is that sam is just a local businessman who gives a shit. too easy to be cynical. don't deter somebody from offering advice, just because you think he's trying to wangle some business. And I should point out that I've never met sam or had any dealings with him.
  • edited 4:49AM
    tallboy thanks for your comment you just cant seem to help some people,any advice i give is free, if a o.a.p locks them self out i get them in for free, i give up 4 nights a week teaching boxing at islington boxing club hornsey rise to try and keep kids of the streets and to try and stop at least some of the kids of islington killing themselfs i do this in my time for free and so do everyone else at our boxing club, so about comment reg made about sam the man trying to sell his goods, well we could all close our eyes or blank it out , but in the real life crap is going on so if anyone can give a bit of free advice it cant be bad hay ,,, reg if you have a bit of spare time come meet me down the boxing club and i will show you around and let you meet all the kids i teach ,,ps if anyone has kids that they would like to start boxing please let me know boys and girls from 10 can start thanks all sam the man
  • AliAli
    edited 4:49AM
    Wait for the LibCons cuts, this will get worse !
  • edited 4:49AM
    well its a slow day for me today been out early done a job on the Andover estate and while im doing the job it all kicks of 4 men and i state men fighting local druggies fighting one man has i knife well it must be 2ft long stabbing the others loads of poor people with their dogs outside the R.S.P.CA having to watch. kids around watching 50 police arrive in no time man with knife on his toes this is 10 in the morning the lady i was doing the job for said this is normal on here, i was only fitting a spy hole and chain for her al in a mornings work with sam the man
  • edited 4:49AM
    @Sam the Man. I appreciate the detail in your posts. The local police certainly don't publicise the incidents they investigate or the outcomes, so on-the-whole you find out by reading a newspaper. Someone was supposedly stabbed 50 yards from my front door about 3-4 weeks ago, and it never made the news, never made a police website etc. I think if you live in the area then you have a right to know whats going on, and if off the back of what you hear you change your behaviour, so be it.

    We live in London so expect crime at some point, and recognise its liklihood/unliklihood but we should be allowed to react how we want to. I don't like other people deciding whats good for me to hear and what isn't. If something bad happens to me and a behaviour change could have prevented it i can't see how its helpful holding back?

    I suppose the counter argument would be something along the lines of keeping potential terror threats under wraps to manage fear vs actual liklihood, but on a local scale i think we should know.
  • edited 4:49AM
    @ Ali. No you'll just have less people doing nonsense jobs making zero impact, and more focus on doing what they're meant to do. I'm quite willing to take a bit of pain to get away from the idea that the only way to have a decent society is to buy jobs and support services for people. I'm not quite sure when it happened, but it seems that a lot of people today think that the solution to everything is throw money at it. I personally think its about getting parents to man up and become proper role models. You don't need buckets of government cash for that.
  • RegReg
    edited 4:49AM
    Nope, still not convinced any of this is helpful. What am I supposed to do with this information??
  • edited 4:49AM
    Whether it is useful or not. I find it totally facinating.

    I love to know what goes on around my area and share information, especially as there is a lot of crime.

    Im really pleased to know Sam the man exists and will contact him if i need to.

    Thanks for your news letter and updates, keep em coming!

  • edited 4:49AM
    @Reg. In your case you can carry on as normal and ignore it. In Bridgit and my case, we can absorb and make more educated decisions.

    If i were about to blow £250-300k on a flat, i'd like to know a bit more detail about what happens in an area rather than just looking at the statistics that are available which don't tell you anything. Also (a rather extreme analogy), if i didn't have background knowledge i'd be booking a nice city break to Bagdhad as i've heard its a very nice place although a little hot in summer.

    None of what i read on here would make me like the area less, i accept it's shortcomings. It should also be noted that probably if there was a www.knightsbridge.org, you'd read similar stories too. It's just London.
  • edited 4:49AM
    Er, surely the statistics on crime/safety for Bagdhad would suggest it not to be a suitable holiday destination?!

    I think this is all fine anyway, surely a huge reason for this board's existence is so everyone can be nosey and hear about all the local scandals.
  • edited 4:49AM
    @Emma. Yes. But if you chose to ignore or not use them you may have a holiday you weren't quite expecting.
  • edited 4:49AM
    Oh, OK, I get you. I thought you were saying that crime etc statistics didn't tell you anything when you said "just looking at the statistics that are available which don't tell you anything".
  • edited 4:49AM
    well the sun is out and it has been a lovely morning and all has been good today, im sitting in my van so here is sam the mans tip for the day,
    window restricters are fitted on the two sides of the top sash window this stops the window opening moor then 5in top and bottom you can unscrew the studs to open the window if you want to clean windows this stops anyone opening say your front room window when you are sitting in garden haveing the bbq and stops kids falling out the window
  • edited 4:49AM
    i think i might start a new discussion sam the mans security tips for the day
  • AliAli
    edited 4:49AM
    Put them on the vertical slightly staggered so if some one leavers the windows upwards the first one will break but they will loose most of the leverage and not be able to open the window. Also they will probably run off because of the noise from breaking the first one
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