The Shouting Man



  • edited 10:19AM
    The Spinster is brilliant and she does always look amazing.
  • edited 10:19AM
    Pink hair man sounds a lot like a friend of mine.
  • You lot make me sick.

    You lot make me want to projectile vomit carrots into the smug faces of the bourgeouiszee of stroud green who all really want to live in crouch end or muswell hill but its cheaper in stroud green; and I haven't even eaten any carrots for ages,you always seem to puke up carrots even when you haven't eaten them 4 a long time for some reason,anyone know why? Back to the serious point.

    It is out of order to single out individual people like you are doing here. Because they have a right to privacy.Leave people alone.
    Maybe you would realise that you are in private as mad as they appear to be if you didnt spend so long in 9 to 5 conformity

    If you care about people then phone up the social services and have a chat about it to explain your concerns,like that halfwit who complained about shouting man,shouting man shouted at me afew times and i shouted back at him that shut him up, so what.But you won't because you just want to point and mock like kids going to bedlam to laugh at those who are maybe less fortunate than yourselves shut up in a lunatic asylum or victorian freak show.

    You can't be eccentric in England these days without dullard mrs mopp civil servants talking about you on a local community internet forum. I prefer Super T to special brew and generally walking around muttering to myself,is this so wrong? I find it theraputic.

    So ram me off the pavement with your yummy mummy £1000 buggies and try and run me down with your four by four volvo gas guzzlers and mock the colourfull eccentrics of SG but we will not surrender to your conformity we are not crouch end or muswell hill where the less than perfect are hosepiped off the streets by the middle classes chattering classes disapproval we are struoud green where the mad the bad and Dr Legg from Eastenders circa 1985 live and travel on the w7. Dr Legg is my heroe actually...
  • edited 10:19AM
    Were you drunk when you wrote that rant, n-h? What a load of pretensious twaddle. You won't shut me up. Ranting Man.
  • edited 10:19AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 10:19AM
    Phew, none of these descriptions sound like myself.
  • edited 10:19AM
    I agree with Misscara. Northern Lights has definitely over reacted here. I certainly read these comments on local characters as celebratory rather than anything else.

    Also it is obviously not true that you always throw up carrots even when you haven't eaten them. Northern Lights is ripping off a very old Billy Connolly joke that wasn't funny in the first place. Get your own material!
  • edited 10:19AM
    I was actually wondering if any of the people described above might be members (or friends of members) of the forum. SG isn't a big place, it would be surprising if none of us knew any of the more colourful residents.

    Oh, and I'm pretty certain that 'The Spinster' is not a spinster.

    @northern heights
    I don't have a buggy and am astonished that anyone could possibly countenance paying £1000 for such a thing! Even in overpriced Crouch End.
  • edited 10:19AM
    Maybe Northern Heights can go back to posting where's the best place to buy trousers or whatever else s/he normally does.
  • edited 10:19AM
    I thought the supposed carrots were in fact stomach lining?

    Whenever I see the bad transvestite, s/he is pushing an empty pushchair and blowing occasionally upon a whistle. Which you don't tend to do unless you want to be noticed, so being talked about online is probably quite a good result, ne?
  • edited 10:19AM
    @ ADGS - did BT's pushchair look like it cost £1k?
  • edited 10:19AM
    If it's the red pushchair I've seen BT with, it looks like it cost 10p. Not that I'm an expert.
  • edited 10:19AM
    Just rememberd another one. Pockety. He walks up SGR from the station, up to Crouch Hill at about 8.30am. White guy, 40s, wears denim jeans and jacket. Both front pockets of his jeans are always stuffed with something the size of a rugby ball. He gets his hair cut once a year, then leaves it to grow for the next 12 months.

    The Northern Heights needs to take a chill pill and feel the love.
  • edited 10:19AM
    Nice to see a reference to 'Mrs Mopp' though. I haven't heard that used in a while
  • edited 10:19AM
    I lived here a decade and I've only come across the Shouting man. Interesting stuff !
  • edited 10:19AM
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  • edited 10:19AM
    Did he do any shouting?
  • edited September 2010
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 10:19AM
    Or 'the northern heights' for that matter. I miss his stream-of-consciousness posts.
  • edited 10:19AM
    Come to think of it, neither have I (re Shouting Man).
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 10:19AM
  • edited 10:19AM
    Misscara you might be onto something there.

    I haven't seen him for ages either, and he DID disappear at the same time as TNH.
  • edited 10:19AM
    The woman with the thin waist. Used to see her walking down tollington park somewhere between SGR and Hornsey road a few years ago but not lately. She dresses very primly and I think she's a dominatrix. I used to be in a band (of sorts) that played in small venues including a fetish club where I'm sure she operated.
  • edited 10:19AM
    Evan Davies goes to a fetish club in Vauxhall of a Sunday night, apparently.
  • edited 10:19AM
    I've seen him in his full regalia (not there though). It's quite an arresting sight.
  • edited 10:19AM
    Is it true he has a Prince Albert?
  • edited 10:19AM
    I averted my eyes.
  • edited 10:19AM
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