The Stapleton Tavern Vampire Masked Ball

edited October 2010 in Local discussion
Hello! I'm Beth, the new manager of the Stapleton Tavern!

You are all warmly invited to a night of gothic unctuousness at the Stapleton this saturday 30th October for our Masked Vampire Ball! Things kick off at 8 in our candlelit vampires boudoir, with some wonderful halloween cocktails, and judging of the best masked vampire costumes will begin in earnest!

Then at 9, BBC 6Music's Jo Good will begin her gothic soundtrack for the night, all set to the creepiest silent vampire films!

I would love to see you all there as we celebrate our first halloween at the new Stapleton Tavern

Beth xx


  • edited 1:01PM
    Hello Beth Does one have to be masked and dressed as a vampire to come in? We didn't know you were having a party and we were planning on going to the Dairy, so have already organised Hallowe'en costumes. Miss A
  • edited 1:01PM
    Unctuousness as in smug, self-serving earnestness? Well, I've certainly seen a few fictional vampires of whom that could be said - normally in stories where they're being used as a metaphor for capitalists/the Establishment - but going with that approach to the Undead for a party is...innovative.
  • edited 1:01PM
    Hmmm, innovative indeed. Vampires and their links with the government was a part of my dissertation, hence the connection.

    And yes Miss A, those who aren't dressed up are more than welcome to come in! Staff will all be dressed up as in the 1940s night, and I'm hoping some of the people coming will as well, but if you don't its no bother.
  • edited 1:01PM
    Glad you followed up my suggestion to post here Bethy - I rather suspect you'll get a few converts from over the road now! Wish I was in town. PS - please serve your Blue Moon with a slice of orange!
  • edited 1:01PM
    I translated it to sumptousness in my head. My pals and I will be definitely be dressed up, just not as vampires. I sadly missed the 40's night.
  • edited 1:01PM
    Hello Beth. Thanks for the invite. Will again miss out on the fancy dress as I'll be in Reading setting fire to stuff. Have a good night though.
  • edited 1:01PM
    wish i could make it bethy, sounds like its going to be great.

    (echo arkady on the orange in the blue moon)
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  • edited 1:01PM
    Can I come in my 1940s costume? It was rather horrific. Keeps the costs down, you know.
  • edited 1:01PM
    You could add some plastic fangs Krappy, they have them in the 99p store.
  • edited October 2010
    Deleted, wrong thread
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  • edited 1:01PM
    I was in fancy dress! I felt somewhat lonely.
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  • edited 1:01PM
    Voodoo Princess. Shame about the Stapleton as I generally like it in there but we had a fabulous time in the Dairy. Most people had put a lot of effort into their costumes( including all the staff), they'd decorated the pub, the DJ played the right mixture to get everyone dancing and the general atmosphere was great. In short, it was ace. Venezia had a private party with lots of revellers in costume including an amazing Devil. I walked home past there and they invited me in for a drink as they were impressed by my costume!
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  • edited 1:01PM
    I went as as 1940's vampire lady (no mask but I had a cloak). I was with friends but they are not so into dressing up. I think I saw your lot briefly and was impressed by the array of looks. I haven't been in the Dairy since they refurbished a few years ago because I couldn't bring myself to pay £4.50 for a drink served with such disdain. Maybe I should give it another go though. I like The Stapleton but the punters didn't make much effort to be spooky sadly.
  • edited 1:01PM
    I met some friends at the Lexington - we were in costume as were the staff and a majority of the punters - and they were saying that in West London last Hallowe'en, they'd had several places turn them away for being in costume. Which is shocking, really.
    Best costume I saw last night was someone with Mr Potato Head for a torso. Though two girls brought very convincing fake gravestones which they'd found in their road a few months back. Baffling, yet handy.
  • edited 1:01PM
    @ADGS Forward planning on the part of the two grave robbers who were at the Lexington's Hallowe'en party. I was there on Friday and there were already a few customers dressed up for Hallowe'en.
  • edited 1:01PM
    We saw the Potato Head costume progressing down SGR along with some pumpkin headed folk. Where is the Lexington please? I haven't discovered it and it sounds rather good.
  • edited 1:01PM
    The Lexington is on Pentonville Rd about halfway between KX and The Angel.
  • edited 1:01PM
    Indeed it is. And if you sign up to the mailing list you get a little black card which is good for 10% off everything.
    It's a rare treasure in that it works brilliantly for gigs, for clubs, and just for lounging around with pints.
  • edited November 2010
    The upstairs is the gig venue and it's one of the best in London. I saw Black Mountain there last July. Intimate, great atmosphere and great sound.

    The downstairs bar has lots of atmosphere too!
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