Local clean up

edited November 2010 in Local discussion
Exciting news! Thanks to pressure from your local councillors and the work of
our Neighbourhood Manager, the Council (together with Islington) have organised
a ‘clean sweep’ project starting this weekend. The target is the area around the
Parkland Walk, Finsbury Park and Stroud Green Road.

This clean up is urgently needed and it is great that the council have listened
to complaints from us and residents. The idea is that everyone can pull
together – the Council, businesses and residents (young and old) - to tidy up
the neighbourhood in a spirit of civic pride.

Join us on the Parkland Walk - Saturday 13th November

Meet from 10am at the Upper Tollington Park entrance to the Parkland Walk and
join us to cut back vegetation and build a mini loggery for mini-beasts. We all
know what a lovely peaceful resource the Parkland Walk is - and what a great
place it is for children to learn about nature. We also know it needs constant
conservation. Please do join in! And if you do - REWARD is lunch at the
Osborne Group Nursing Home, 16-20 Upper Tollington Park, London, N4 3EL from
about 1pm.

Bring Unwanted Bulky Waste to our Community Skips - Saturday 13th November

Also on Saturday 13th November there will be community skips in Albert Road
(close to the junction with Stroud Green Road) where you can bring unwanted
bulky waste for disposal free or charge! (Please no ‘white goods’ though – no
fridges!). Council officers will be there to meet you from 10.00am until

Dog Fouling Patrols

Local parents constantly tell us that the streets are being fouled by dogs being
walked over to the park. So dog fouling patrols will be a key part of the clean

Cleaning up the Streets

The Council will also be deep cleaning the heavily stained local streets and
clearing gutters during the week, they will also be cutting back vegetation that
hangs over pavements. This is something we have been pressing them to do for a

Please pass on any other ideas you might have for the clean sweep to Cllrs
Richard Wilson, Ed Butcher or me and we will send on to the Neighbourhood
Management Team at the Council.
Hoping to see you Saturday!

Happy cleaning!

All the best,

Cllr Katherine Reece
Stroud Green Ward Councillor, Liberal Democrat


  • edited 2:42PM
    Great idea, crappy amount of notice. I'm away this weekend, but it would have liked very much to have got involved in such civic activity. Incidentally, I’m still waiting to hear from Cllr Wilson about repairing the Stroud Green road signs.
  • edited 2:42PM
    Just received the email this afternoon, agree about the lack of notice.
  • edited November 2010
    This version was better and gave more notice. <http://www.stroudgreen.org/discussion/2374/snt-consultation-results-stroud-green-cleansweep-13th-november/>; There might be some feedback about cutting down overhanging vegetation if what they mean is wholesale lopping off of the branches of the trees on SGR. Cleaning up Parkland Walk is a good thing and I intend to come and join in, if only to make sure that it doesn't get overenthusiastically cleaned and still retains that wildness that most people love it for. Edited, as I didn't initially realise that you didn't write the email charlieboy, sorry.
  • edited 2:42PM
    Oh yeah. My bad. But I would still have been away.
  • edited 2:42PM
    What does 'my bad' mean please? I'm not au fait with these street expressions.
  • edited 2:42PM
    'Terribly sorry, my mistake', or words to that effect. And yes, I am unimpressed by the way "cutting back vegetation that hangs over pavements" has been slipped in there - although the other trees on SGR seem to have been left unmolested, so maybe it's just the one I (used to be able to) see from my window which has been murdered.
  • edited 2:42PM
    I heard the chainsaw in action in the morning at about 9 am while breakfasting and was sad to see its stump on the way to work.
  • edited 2:42PM
    When they started the pointlessly protracted execution last year, my flatmate was woken by the sound of chainsaw pretty much right outside her window (and on a level, not something we're used to up here). Now that is not a soothing way to start the day.
  • edited 2:42PM
    Lots of police, PCSOs, photographers and streetcleaners from both Haringey and Islington were milling around outside Tesco an hour ago, while someone I presume was a councillor was shown how to hold a broom for a photo op. Given how much pavement space they were taking up, I wonder whether the benches were in fact removed just to make more space for local government grandstanding?

    Perhaps related, the Post Office didn't have its normal stall out front.
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  • I suggest a day of action on dog poo during aforesaid clean up week. Why not pick a street (the little road leading up to the park might be a good one) and mark each disgusting pavement poop with a chalk circle and a bright yellow plastic flag, then invite photographs.

    Sorry, can't do it myself, I'm away. Also dreamed about dog poo last night, very disturbing, what can this mean?
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  • edited 2:42PM
    I would like to see a dedicated "taser" day whereby people who did not pick up their pooch's breakfast were legally allowed to be stunned by local residents. All recipients would be left with a Stroud Green residents calling card in the shape of a dog-poo.
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