Hornsey Unlibrary: 23rd November

edited November 2010 in Local discussion
<http://bookfutures.blogspot.com/2010/10/ifsoflo-conference-amplified-author-in.html>; *This is a day of debate and practical workshops for writers, literature development workers, publishers, librararians, teachers and all those interested in how new media is changing the way we read, write, work and belong in our local community.* *The conference will be hosted at the The Unlibrary - a new co-working space and writers' hub in Hornsey Library, North London, where local writers - from the emerging to the bestselling – can learn the skills they need to amplify their words and develop their writing through social networking and new media publishing.* Saw this, don't know anything about it.


  • edited 3:37AM
    Having a thing called an Unlibrary is a tad wanky to start with. Having it within a library is just slappable.
  • edited 3:37AM
    The whole Un thing annoys me too. Andy went to an unconference a while back. Its stupid and pointless. What next? Start putting the letter i in front of everything?
  • edited 3:37AM
    Yeah, as efforts to make an event stand out go, it's one of the more blatantly pathetic. Reminds me of how many clubs would try to bill themselves as 'not so much a club as a house party'. Right, so it's free in and I can bring a bottle of plonk which will cost as much as one nightclub drink, then? No? Then shut up and admit you're a sodding club.
  • edited 3:37AM
    If you're honest, neither of you have really engaged with the content here, have you?
  • edited 3:37AM
    It's called unengaging.
  • AliAli
    edited 3:37AM
    I thought this was going to be about SG Library closing but I guess that is probably next week or two
  • edited 3:37AM
    Would've thought this type of thing would be right up everybodies street eh!!
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