02 phone signal - grrrr



  • edited 7:05PM
    WillM - I attempted to do that but can't work it out. It said I was now signed up but I never get the option of Orange when the T-mobile signal goes. I followed all the settings instructions (iPhone). Guess I will have to phone T-mobile which usually adds more frustration to the original frustration.

    Four Eyes - I know, I end up getting cross and waving the phone around trying to get a signal, while partner's Vodafone is fine throughout every room.
  • edited 7:05PM
    I'm in the West Village and only get 3G on the iphone in my kitchen, and the signal there is still hit and miss - nothing at the front of the house. I mainly use my BT landline now. The broadband is fabulously speedy on the laptop now that we have Infinity over here.
  • edited 7:05PM
    Was with 3 for a while but the reception was so rubbish in Tollington PArk that I gave up. Apparently it was because too many people locally were on 3!!!! Orange has been pretty consistent for me.
  • edited 7:05PM
    It's 3G for the iphone (which is on O2) that is problematic. I didn't realise 3 still existed.
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  • My Orange phone always claims to have a good signal, but will consistently decide to end my calls, or that the other half of my conversation isn't allowed to hear me any more...

    Pretty annoying.

    I'm in the Woodfall Road neck of the woods, for anyone painting a mental map of signal bad patches.
  • edited 7:05PM
    I called Orange yesterday and they said there are "mast problems" in this area (since Friday last week). Should be fixed by today!
    So far, no improvement. Very annoying.
  • edited 7:05PM
    I am in orange and they have major 3g issues. I have complained so many times as calls come to an abrupt end. The local mast is in Hackney and they are trying to get a new one up locally. I am in Tollington Park. I have switched to 2g which is a much safer voice signal but slow internet and it can switch between orange and T -mobile. When my contract ends I am going straight to vodaphone. Whats the point of paying these companies all this money of you cant use their system.
  • Good call (accidental pun) on switching the phone to 2G - will give that a go.
    I should probably phone up Orange to have a wee moan to them as well - the more complaining voices the better, I guess.
  • IanIan
    edited 7:05PM
    Excellent, a campaign in favour of more mobile phone masts. Count me in.
  • edited 7:05PM
    @ Hopping Mad, I was speaking to someone yesterday (Chris) having the same problem with Orange and he said you need to switch to the shared Orange/T-Mobile network. I don't know if you can do this from your phone or if you need to contact Orange to switch you over?
  • edited 7:05PM
    You just need to send a text to set up the network sharing. It's pretty good.
  • edited 7:05PM
    Still no signal! I'm now writing to Orange for the second time...hope to get a reply this time. Also I have no DAB signal. I wonder if this is related??
  • edited 7:05PM
    Don't write to orange phone them up an complain. your paying for a service that you can't use especially if you are on a contract phone. The T-mobile/orange only works on 2G, so no help for the internet. Virgin are planning to have wireless hotspots throughout London which may help but may be long time away.

    We do need more mobile phone masts, but am sure there will be lots of resistance to them. There is no evidence they cause any problems
  • edited 7:05PM
    they look ugly though
  • edited 7:05PM
    How can you phone Orange about their lack of signal if you can't get a signal..?
  • AliAli
    edited 7:05PM
    You don't need Virgin there are already over 40 BT Wifi Hotspots in central SG <http://www.productsandservices.bt.com/consumerProducts/displayTopic.do?topicId=25812&s_cid=con_ppc_maxus_vidZ60_Broadband&vendorid=Z59>; You will need to put your postcode into the map below the fold on the page
  • edited 7:05PM
    I have accumulated so many wi-fi log-ins on my HTC Desire, passworded or otherwise, that I can walk nearly the whole length of SGR without having to use 3G. The Stapleton's free wifi is rubbish though.
  • edited 7:05PM
    Show off!
  • edited 7:05PM
    Fancy sharing, Arkady?
  • edited 7:05PM
    Very few are passworded, and those that are will be given on request of the proprietors. It seems a tad wrong to publish them here I'm afraid.
  • edited 7:05PM
    @Emma - you have to use an expensive landline number, then you explain that you can't receive calls and when they ring you back they don't use the landline but the mobile (that you can't receive calls on). This was my experience today anyway.
  • edited 7:05PM
    Ali how much do you pay to use BT Wifi. I am on vrigin at home so I guess I will have to pay extra for that?
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