Early morning, I miss Woodys!

edited November 2010 in Local discussion
It's the first time I've really missed Woodys since it shut down. I went to bed very early last night, 10pm and woke up at 4am. I had just enough coffee for one cup. The security blanket that Woodys provided has gone.

I hardly use Sainsburys. I went in at the weekend and walked out again when I saw the prices.


  • edited 7:37PM
    What's wrong with the garage down SHR?
  • edited 7:37PM
    I went to Sainsburys yesterday and used the self service. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. I was grinning to myself as it was like I'd regressed 20 years and I was playing shopkeeper. I nearly asked myself if I wanted stamps or discount!
  • edited 7:37PM
    I miss Woody's too. Even though I revelled in the arrival of the new Sainsbury's I rarely go in there now. Too expensive, limited range and only really of any use for the cash machine and when Tesco is shut after 5 on Sunday.

    Anyone else noticed how Sainsbury's has changed from 'Sainsbury's Local Stroud Green' (wasn't there even a sign outside which said that at the start) to 'Sainsbury's Local Crouch Hill'. It isn't even on Crouch Hill.
  • edited 7:37PM
    I think it was that even before it opened, if I recall discussions of the Sainsbury's website store-finder correctly. Estate agent-style region creep, obviously, but it's clear from the prices that they're aiming for the gentrification crowd. Although, on some products the prices have been all over the place, whether in response to demand or in an effort to guide it, I don't know. Well, I say 'some', I've only noticed it on Monster Munch, which I wouldn't have thought were really the way to their target audience's heart - but they started at 62p (as against a normal 55 or 59p), dropped to a very cheap 45p, and have now crept back up to 49p. What does it all mean?

    Otherwise, they occasionally have better offers on individual products than Tesco (ie Loyd Grossman pasta sauce is currently cheaper in Sainsbury's) but yeah, given the limited range and high prices I've mainly I've found it of more indirect use in inspiring Tesco to get its act together.
  • edited 7:37PM
    You know how these borders change? The border area of Stroud Green is often called Crouch End borders. But maybe soon the Tollington revivalists will make a claim for it and it will be 'Sainsbury's Local Tollington'.

    I think Armageddon will be fought at the crossroads of SGR, Hanley Road and SHR.
  • edited 7:37PM
    Maybe I am not their target audience, because I love yellow Monster Munch. The Monster Munch wikipedia entry contains gems such as: 'Originally called "The Prime Monster" (a play on "The Prime Minister", and as part of a wider campaign), the decision was taken to rename the snack "Monster Munch" in 1978.'
  • edited 7:37PM
    Tollington revivalists sounds good. All I need now is a banner.
  • edited 7:37PM
    As long as the Tollington Brigade stands side by side with Stroud Green in resisting Crouch End Creep then all's well. However I fear brutal street-to-street combat as Stroud Green irredentists resist Tollingtonian claims to the roads west of SGR. The Battle for Evershot Road will make Stalingrad look like a pea-shooter fight in a prep school. The Front Room Cafe and the Park Tavern will be reduced to smoldering ruins during the famed Siege of Tollington Park. Reserve forces from the Upper East Side will arrive too late to save the Fiveways Sainsbury's Local from being sacked by mercenaries from the Six Acres Estate, greviously depleting Stroud Green's supply of Monster Munch. Only the terrifying sight of Miss Annie stamping her feet and shouting STOP IT will bring an end to the heinous hostilities. I've thought about this too much haven't I?
  • edited 7:37PM
    I'm all about the pickled onion Monster Munch myself, and do appreciate that the Sainsbury's has a much better crisp selection that Tesco's boring Walkerscentrism.
  • edited 7:37PM
    ...queue 'favourite crisps' thread....
  • edited 7:37PM
    I will second Pickled Onion Monster Munch and also throw Flamin Hot Chili flavour into the mix too. They're tricky to come by, I stock up in the offie next to Nando's.

    Whilst we're on interesting crisp selections, Nisa is a great find by the station. They have rare Walkers French Fries Worcester Sauce flavour and genuine Irish Tatos.
  • edited 7:37PM
    The Budget up opposite the Dairy also has Walkers Worcester Sauce, but Walkers Pickled Onion seem to have vanished from all shops again, ditto Pickled Onion Crunchy Sticks (as previously stocked in Woody's). Which is a shame.

    Currently I think Chipsticks and Squares are probably the best salt and vinegar crisps, but I still miss S&V Walkers Max.

    Beyond these three flavours I have no opinion.
  • edited 7:37PM
    Beef and Mustard Branigans, easily my favourite. They'll make your eyes water.
  • edited 7:37PM
    There are only two types of crisps that I will eat on their own - Cheese Quavers and Seabrooks Ready Salted. I can manage Walkers Cheese and Onion if they are added to a tuna or egg mayonnaise sandwich. Seabrook's are rare in these parts, they do them in Morrison's but I haven't spotted them anywhere else.
  • edited 7:37PM
    Crunch time for me for missing Woody's is in one month and a day, because I'm hosting and I'm really badly organised.
  • edited 7:37PM
    ADGS these aren't just the normal Walkers Worcester Sauce, these are the <a href="http://www.britishcornershop.co.uk/product.asp?id=15532">French Fries</a> variety, a rare find indeed.
  • edited 7:37PM
    Yes miss annie. Seabrooks! Their prawn cocktail and cheese & onion are fantastic too but very hard to come by. Last time I found them was 2004 in Harwich :)
  • edited 7:37PM
    Pointless stats alert, but i can pass off writing on this forum as work now given the topic!

    I buy crisps and snacks for a living. Here are the top selling lines in our retail outlets. Walkers Cheese & Onion is by far the most popular line......never got it myself. Once you've had a bag, you taste it the whole day. Meh.

    For me, its Cofresh Jalepeno twirls!

    Monster Munch Roast beef is #16, Pickled Onion #28, French Fries Worcester Sauce #29

    Top 20
    1. Walkers Cheese and Onion
    2. Walkers Ready Salted
    3. Walkers Salt & Vinegar
    4. Quavers Cheese
    5. Hula Hoops BBQ Beef
    6. Mccoys Grilled Steak
    7. Walkers Prawn Cocktail
    8. Walkers Squares Salt &Vinegar
    9. Mccoys Salt & Malt Vinegar.
    10. Mccoys Cheddar & Onion
    11. Walkers Discos Salt & Vinegar
    12. Hula Hoops Original
    13. Walkers Frazzles
    14. Mini Cheddars 50g
    15. Wotsits Cheesy
    16. Monster Munch Roast Beef
    17. Doritos Tangy Cheese
    18. Walkers Skips Prawn Cocktail
    19. Walkers Roast Chicken
    20. Hula Hoops Salt & Vinegar
  • edited 7:37PM
    I like seabrooks sweetcorn flavour. None of their flavours are the same since they got rid of the window and moved onto foil bags, mind. Seabrooks used to be the only crisps Bluebird sold.
  • edited 7:37PM
    They had six packs of the Cheese and Onion flavour in the 99p store on Seven Sisters Rd last time I went in. I'm going past there shortly, I'll get you some if they still have them.
  • edited 7:37PM
    Whoop! Quavers are number 4 in the hit parade. I'm very pleased that there none of those stupid, over priced, hand cooked Kettle Chips or others of that ilk in the line up.
  • edited 7:37PM
    I'm surprised to see Wotsits and Quavers so far apart, I thought they'd share a joint position. McCoys are horrible.
  • edited 7:37PM
    The reason they're not there ma, is that children can't afford them.
  • edited 7:37PM
    Ooh thanks miss annie!

    Mini cheddars should not be in the crisp top 20. That's wrong. So wrong.
  • edited 7:37PM
    Wotsits and Quavers are quite different species. Quavers have a much more subtle flavour (and colour) than Wotsits, and Quavers are made from potato whilst the vastly inferior Wotsits are made from corn.
  • edited 7:37PM
    Wotsits beat Quavers in my opinion, sorry.
  • edited 7:37PM
    But you can bite the ends off Wotsits and stick them together to make a mega-Wotsit. Also Quavers are super fragile and always seem to be a bit meagre on the portion front to me.
  • edited 7:37PM
    You can get a whole packet of Wotsits in your mouth, where they dissolve deliciously into a sticky, orangey paste-explosion. Or so I’m told.
  • edited 7:37PM
    Yes, Quavers are more the lady's snack of choice I suppose.
  • edited 7:37PM
    Should i bring back "Jaws" Roast beef or Killer Tomato flavour? Space Raiders are making a comeback so why not eh?
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