Early morning, I miss Woodys!



  • edited 5:11AM
    What are Jaws? Space Raiders have never been away. They are a 99p shop staple.
  • edited 5:11AM
    Branigans - yay! they also used to do a nice lamb and mint flavour, which I used to prefer. Its probably a bit of stretch, but KP Whickers were a childhood favourite.
  • edited 5:11AM
    Oh, yes! My little sister loved those, they looked like Shreddies
  • edited 5:11AM
    They were like Monster Munch but shaped like a sharks jaw! I think they were released to support the film.

    Ref SR: They never went away, but also stopped being popular when the price was hiked from 10p to 15p a pack. People just couldn't afford them anymore.
  • edited 5:11AM
    That's the coalition govt for you!
  • edited 5:11AM
    I guess if you got £70 a week job seekers, then that meant you could buy 700 packs, whereas now its just 460 or 65 packs a day. Difficult times.
  • edited November 2010
    I like Skips, mostly because in each bag there are a couple of burnt Skips with a taste somewhere between prawn cocktail and cauterised plastic bag.

    I couldn't eat a whole bag of them though.

    And I continue to be baffled by Kreuzkaz, who seems to want all the amenities of a 24 hour city, (such as cheap, possibly disgusting instant coffee at 4am) but for this 24 hour city to be conducted largely in silence in those few hours when he's asleep.
  • edited 5:11AM
    My apologies, Four Eyes, I misread. Though personally I've not found French Fries - in either salt & vinegar or Worcester sauce flavour - to be anything like strong enough of late.
  • edited 5:11AM
    @ Arkady, I was going to say exactly the same thing re: Wotsits. There's nothing finer than a mouthful of cheesy orange mush.

    They are so delicious, I could eat Wotsits all day. Yum yum in my tum.
  • edited 5:11AM
    @Four Eyes I'm with you on the Mini Cheddars issue. They are baked goods and have no place in a list of crisps. They belong with biscuits.
  • AliAli
    edited 5:11AM
    Any one remember Golden Wonder the originator of the Wotsit which they sold to Pepsi ie Walkers Apparently they are now just making own brand crisp etc . Maybe Brodiej can reveal all?
  • edited 5:11AM
    Spicy tomato and barbecue wotsits were delicious. I preferred them to the cheesy ones. My favourite crisps were Supakrunchies which were a bit like shorter, fatter wotsits and 'They Only Cost 10p!'
  • edited 5:11AM
    I'm fairly sure Golden Wonder owned some other brands too, but yes, you'll still see their own-brand crisps around occasionally. Ditto Smith's, and maybe even KP though my memory could be playing crisp tricks.
  • edited 5:11AM
    An old flatmate of mine would only eat golden wonder as he was convinced they were the only vegan crisps at the time. This was in the late nineties. As a keen meat eater I have no idea whether any crisps are vegan or not. Golden Wonder also make Pot Noodles, the students saviour.
  • edited 5:11AM
    Golden Wonder flogged most of their brands away to Walkers (Wotsits), United Biscuits (Nik naks, Wheatie Crunchies) but retained the school favourite Ringos! They still make regular flavours but they're not really in the mix anymore.

    @Disgruntled Mini-cheddars shouldn't be in list people - in our business, the category is defined as "Crisps & Snacks" so it appeared as the #1 snack but #14 in the overall category. You get baked crisps too now so, method of cooking doesn't define. Its not a crisp though, agreed :-)
  • edited November 2010
    When I was a kid, a friend of mine ended up writing a letter of apology to another friend's dad, for offering him some of his Frazzles, which as a Muslim he should not have eaten. Still mortified, he contacted whoever makes Frazzles. They assured him there's no real pork in it, so he wrote a second letter, clarifying the first.
  • edited 5:11AM
  • edited 5:11AM
    Anybody remember Sam Spudz? they were the best.
  • edited 5:11AM
    Yes, they were amazing! But does anyone remember Outer Spacers?
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  • AliAli
    edited 5:11AM
    Tudor crips were wopnderful, you used to gte them in Scotland bigger bags for the same money
  • edited 5:11AM
    If I bought multi-packs of Monster Munch, I would also end up eating three packs a day, and this would be bad.

    Re: the Frazzles incident, I was introduced to Walkers Prawn Cocktail (which are OK, but I wouldn't buy them) by a then-vegan ex.
  • edited 5:11AM
    @misscara, omg yes I had completely forgotten about Tudor crisps, seeing that ad just took me back 25 years. Wasn't there tomato ketcup flavour? They were in my school lunch box every day. There's the Dunston 'Rocket' in that advert too :)
  • edited 5:11AM
    Can someone translate the dialogue between 00.19 and 00.24?

    They appear to be conducting some sort of crisp-related transaction, but it all sounds like Alan Shearer drowning.
  • edited 5:11AM
    Andy, the said dialogue is:

    "Deliva theez an A'll give ya a canny bag o' crisps!"

    "Wey aye man! Fa Tudor A'll climb a mountain!"


    "Would you kindly deliver these and I will give you a wonderful packet of crisps?'

    "Of course my friend. For Tudor I'd climb a mountain".

    Worth pointing out that this is just how Misscara and I converse...
  • edited 5:11AM
    Walkers do a tomato ketchup flavour too, sometimes. It's OK but no classic.
  • edited 5:11AM
    Ringos! How could I have forgotten about Ringos??

    It has never occurred to me to shove the whole bag of wotsists in at once. What lovely, piggy idea. That's my tea sorted then.
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  • edited 5:11AM
    Tesco sell Salt 'n' Shake I think.
  • edited 5:11AM
    Misscara, you can easily mimic the effect by buying plain crips and pouring a load of salt in (which always end up at the bottom of the bag anyway)...
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