
  • edited 7:28PM
    And before the local 'Stroud Green is crime ridden' brigade pipe up, he was running his empire from Kentish Town and whatever the boundaries are they don't include NW5.
  • edited 7:28PM
    It was the stabbed to death in the Park Road pool showers bit!
  • edited 7:28PM
    On the other hand – having being watching The Walking Dead recently (highly recommended) – I’m seriously considering a small arms cache of my own.
  • edited 7:28PM
    The Walking Dead is amazing. I think it would be best not to muck about with hand guns and rifles, you'd need to go straight in with big machine guns in that kind of situation.
  • edited 7:28PM
    Given the need to a) conserve bullets and b) rely on headshots, I'm not sure you're right.
  • edited 7:28PM
    Yes, you're right. I would clearly be completely useless in any zombie ridden environment. Don't think they'd respond to the shouting and stamping tactics.
  • edited 7:28PM
    Is it on telly?
  • edited 7:28PM
    It's on FX here, which I don't have. But allegedly it's also available via bittorrent.
  • edited 7:28PM
    I sort of envy anyone who's just started watching it on TV, in the same way one smiles ruefully while watching the play of adorable little children who have yet to realise just how dreadful a place the world truly is. 78 issues into the comic, I am still staggered each month by the fresh horrors Robert Kirkman unleashes.
  • edited 7:28PM
    How faithful is the series?
  • edited 7:28PM
    I've not seen any of it yet, but hear that it's following the tone, rather than every last event. Which makes sense - watching a two hour film of something you've already read is one thing, but who'd commit to tens of hours where they already knew everything that would occur?

    So even aside from not wanting to drop spoilers, I can't tell you exactly what terrible thing will happen when and to whom. But I can predict with some confidence that it's not going to be pretty.
  • edited 7:28PM
    Splendid. They are, in my opinion, the most aesthetically repellent zombies to disgrace the screen. I particularly like their taking of the ‘destroy the brain’ idea to its logical extreme: severed heads continue to gnash away, etc. And I like how they are something of a mid-point between the Romero-style slow-stumblers and the 28-Days-style infected; they’re clearly actually dead, but not so sloth-like that a lone survivor could probably get by with a big stick and a lot of patience. Arky
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