
edited April 2007 in Local discussion
So, where's your favourite greasy spoon?

Mine is the Sunshine Cafe just opposite Woody's.

The best cooked mushrooms in the area, reasonable radio station and newspaper choice. Good veggie options for when I can't face bacon or sausage and massive glasses of orange juice.


  • edited 9:28PM
    Not tried it but looks the best up this end. Have had some really good breakfasts in The Front Room Cafe but feel that doesn't really qualify as its a 'gastro' greasy spoon.
  • edited 9:28PM
    I just spotted that (The Front Room) the other day, although I suspect it's been there for ages and I'm just blind. Does it come highly recommended then?
  • edited 9:28PM
    yup. The owner is very friendly and the food is good. They've made a real difference to that stretch on Tollington. Ask them about plans for next door.
  • edited 9:28PM
    My good friend Nicky swears by it
  • edited 9:28PM
    I might check it out this weekend I think.
  • edited April 2007
    I love the Front Room Cafe and Rob is very cool and lets us bring the dog in. They are also extending into the shop next door, which will be ace.
  • edited 9:28PM
    I am very jealous of all you dog people. I want a dog. A lot.
  • edited 9:28PM
    Can't you have one in your own place?
  • edited 9:28PM
    Front Room is lovely but for the best coffee in the area you need to step slightly beyond SG and go to Good For Food on Blackstock Road. Bloomin' marvelous and they've got a little garden out back which is great when it's sunny.
  • edited April 2007
    [quick google on Good For Food]( - does where Tony Adams' ate _(not Good For Food, btw)_ really equate to a good review?
  • edited 9:28PM
    Is that the place on the right hand side of the road as you walk down from Finsbury park? by the library? if it's the one I'm thinking of, their portuguese custard tarts are truly excellent. I find it physically impossible to walk past without buying one (and it's on the way to my mum's, so I walk past a lot).
    As for the dog issue, I have thought of every possible option, but there's no getting round the fact that I can't fairly leave the dog at home alone everyday all day while we go to work, can I....
  • edited 9:28PM
    There's a doggy creche on Tollington and they take them for two walks a day - although at £2 an hour it does rather add up for a week. It comes in handy for the odd occasion though.
  • edited 9:28PM
    get a hamster. much easier.
  • edited 9:28PM
    hmmm, so the dog lives at the creche when you're at work, or they collect your dog from home and take it for a walk? I guess that would make a big difference to the hourly rate.
    Oh, I also live in a small top-floor flat, which apparently is another reason why I can't have a dog, although being half from Paris, I see no problem with keeping dogs in flats.
  • edited 9:28PM
    I had two hamsters on a loan for a while. One of them developed giant testicles (true), and I was very worried it might die. I didn't enjoy the experience. Also, hamsters are rubbish.
  • edited 9:28PM
    half from Paris = from Calais?
  • edited 9:28PM
    Hamsters aren't much fun and they bite - I still have scars.

    The dog goes to the creche when i'm out all day. I'm at college so only have the dog full-time during the holidays - he lives in the country during term.

    There are those rat-sized dogs that could easily live in small flats.

    Loads of us on line at the moment!
  • edited 9:28PM
    No, half from Paris = mother from Paris, father from (just as glamorous) Stoke.
    I don't really like rat-sized dogs; I want a proper dog. I think the solution is that I quit my job and go back to college. I'll put it to the other half.
  • edited 9:28PM
    How giant is a giant hamster testicle? I'm imagining that's still quite small in the grand scheme of things.
  • edited 9:28PM
    I wasnt actually serious about the hamster thing. No need for you all to get so down on the hamsters. I'd say it'd be about the size of your average garden pea?
  • edited 9:28PM
    Correct. But in the context of a hamster, that's quite big. They dragged on the bottom of the cage.
  • edited 9:28PM
    very funny image. I used to have gerbils that had the same problem.
  • edited 9:28PM
    Colette, get a Nintendog!
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