
edited January 2011 in Local discussion
Shameless sales pitch (Just because the silver bullet did it!)...
We are having a speed dating night on valentines day for all those singles that are fed up with crying into you pillows and eating your body weight in ice cream.
It'll be fun and not at all excruciatingly awkward. I am compeering in the attempt to make it less awkward.
We did this last year and it was very successful so come!


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  • edited 5:24AM
    Two reasons not to discriminate against the over 40's... George Clooney, Johnny Depp.
  • edited 5:24AM
    I'm not keen on the tone of your post, not all single people like ice cream. If you pitched it along these lines, you might get a better response... 'The Old Dairy have arranged a Singles Night for all you fabulous unattached people that are quite happy with their lives but are keen to meet new, local people to potentially go on dates with. We will have a compere to explain how it works and to make sure that a splendid Valentine's Day is had by all... come along and join us, all single Stroud Greeners welcome.' What d'you think chaps?
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  • edited 5:24AM
    Oooo, shall we?
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 5:24AM
    We'll see...
  • edited 5:24AM
    he Old Dairy have arranged a Singles Night for all you fabulous unattached people that are quite happy with their lives but are keen to meet new, local people to potentially go on dates with. We will have a compere to explain how it works and to make sure that a splendid Valentine's Day is had by all... come along and join us, all single Stroud Greeners welcome.
  • edited 5:24AM
    perhaps we should hire you...
    over 40's are of course welcome. Clearly a nasty misunderstanding arose on our staff's part.
    As a single person who hates valentines day I merely thought 'humour' was the way to go on this one.
    Please do come it will be fun if nothing else!
  • edited 5:24AM
    Speed dating tonight in the White Lion 9.30pm (men only), so I heard...
  • edited 5:24AM
    @Miss Annie, what happened with your "non date" back in October? Presumably it didn't go to plan given the above. Was it you or am I getting my members muddled?
  • edited 5:24AM
    Ah, the WLM, reliable as always - that should also reduce the number of difficult under-40s!
  • edited 5:24AM
    I'm going to take this opportunity for a quick moan while theolddairy is here. We set down last Friday on one of the smaller tables in the room that's leading through to the glazed corner room. Turned out that my seat was blocking a door that the staff needed access to. So in the time it took me to drink one pint (moved on to the stapleton fire place for the rest of the night), I was asked to stand up and move my chair twice by two different members of staff. I then had to stand up (for quite a few minutes at one point) and wait for whatever needed to be done in that room. At no point did anyone say sorry or explain why I had to get up. I'd suggest that they don't place chairs which are blocking access to something that obviously needs access relatively often. Oh and the two pints of ale ordered where short by about half an inch.
  • edited 5:24AM
    I have learned three things about this site, which sometimes I worry is little more than a vehicle for passive-aggressive, never-actually-do-anything whinging. 1. People really love complaining. 2. People really love complaining about pubs and restaurants. 3. Most of all, people really love complaining about the Old Dairy.
  • IanIan
    edited 5:24AM
    Can I pitch in with something positive. I think the manager at the Dairy has made a big difference in his time there, the stuff for babies is excellent - and a really good idea - and the welcome he has given to the book club etc. is great. The staff have cheered up (honest - they used to be terrible) and I haven't had a short pint for ages which used to be their signature. I really like going there now, although Noble is still my first choice, it is a bit too small with the kid when we take our baby buggy. Well done for listening and sorting stuff out.
  • edited 5:24AM
    Andy - if nothing else, the site has surely found lots of local people more drinking buddies (albeit maybe not for sessions in the Dairy). And that has to be a good thing.
  • edited 5:24AM
    I am the new assistant manager at the Dairy and you're right, people really do love to complain about the pub! It's mainly constructive though hence why I keep up with this site.
    Thanks Ian, that's the positive attitude we like!
    Actionverb- the door in question leads to the room where we sort out our music. I have now moved the table to it shouldn't be happening, apologies that nobody even bothered to explain, that's precisely the type of service I loathe.
    I think we should hold an SG gathering at the Dairy where we can show you that the pub really has come a long way and every day we make minor improvements which I hope will amount to the perfect local!
  • AliAli
    edited 5:24AM
    Maybe you could get some ideas on Service from this I am hooked
  • Was quite enjoying the bagpipes played live last night, although I bet it wasn't easy to chat if you were sitting on the table next to him.

  • edited 5:24AM
    @sincers Your memory serves you well. The non date was a non date and recent plans have come to naught. If you encounter any knights in shining armour do send them my way.
  • edited 5:24AM
    Sorry to hear that @miss annie. Was it the choice of restaurant? I'm always on the lookout for said knight, on account of my fussy sister. But its a fruitless pursuit. I recommended the Old Dairy's speed dating, I'm sure it'll be a laugh if nothing else.
  • Speed dating. Is amphetamines? Not sure I fancy that.
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  • edited 5:24AM
    @Philistine. Yes tonight in the WLM at 9.30. I'm sure you being the mayor of the establishment will be a good ice-breaker?
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  • edited 5:24AM
    Yes Misscara, I was taking it for granted that you and miss annie would be in attendance (purely to make up the numbers of course)
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  • edited 5:24AM
    I wasn't trying to insinuate that you're gay Misscara! (and think I *might* know that by now!) A date? On a Friday. Pah.
  • edited 5:24AM
    Just to clarify there will be no class A drugs on the night.
    Anybody is welcome but a lone 70 year old gay man may find we have nobody to match him with unfortunately.
    We will probably be changing the date to the Saturday prior to valentines by the by (just in case anybody is taking this post seriously!)
  • edited 5:24AM
    A date Misscara? Is it in Big London or 'not Stroud Green'? @theolddairy You'll get used to it, posts generally go off on a tangent. If you need help decorating or doing anything creative please do hire me!
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