SG Mural: new topic DECISION MADE!

You will have seen the colourful community mural on the little underpass between Eversleigh Street and Moray Road. It’s a delightful cut- through (possibly a snicket), and over the months the junior Tollingtons have, when passing, come to sing songs infront of it as the characters seem so life like.

We almost expect them to follow us home!

That’s not to say it’s not a bit grubby, and – to be honest – out of date. A bit ‘touchy feely’ if you know what I mean, not quite in line with our dog-eat-dog give-me-your-pension-book-or else times. So the hunt is on with the help of the nursery school nearby (home to baby Toll) to dream up a new topic - urgent, modern and relevant to today’s youth, but without the nasty urban edge or up-itself irony of, say, Banksy. More Enid Blyton meets Lady Gaga with a touch of the Green Cross Code Man is the thought.

It’s been a struggle for Eric in Eversleigh Street to keep the graffiti off and I think you’ll agree he does a good job with the help of equipment donated by MAH Bros (our very own Grace Bros I often think). Of course ideas for a new design are flowing in the Tollington household – our old friends The Flumps are – as ever- at the top of the queue. But that does feel, you know, a bit obvious given the plans for their statue at Charter Court. There are a lot of arty types around here so what are your thoughts bohos?


  • edited 4:21PM
    A royal wedding commemorative mural, featuring all the past monarchs and their consorts, right back to William the Conqueror and Matilda, and including Prince Charles just in case he does ever become King before William.
  • edited 4:21PM
    A Greek-style daisy chain with the types populating the area?
  • edited 4:21PM
    If you want "Enid Blyton meets Lady Gaga", check out Alan Moore's comic strip on the back of the current <i>Dodgem Logic</i>, where Gaga helps some plucky youngsters save Christmas from Hitler.
  • edited 4:21PM
    These are all very good ideas and we are discussing them with the head teacher before going to the Council meeting about the road closures on 3 Feb.

    An announcement (Pop Idol-style) will be made on here that night.

    Other ideas are still welcome, but remember we can't go for anything too difficult we will be using community pay-back labour from Wood Green to do most of the work, but the detail (eyes etc) will be added by the framing specialists of John Jones so that should be quite realistic.

    We do need to raise some money for the actual painting process (and getting rid of the old one which dates from2005). Dorcas and I will be collecting in a bucket tomorrow outside Chaps and Dames 11- 12 and then at VersaTile 1.15-2.
  • edited 4:21PM
    That alley is more of a ginnel and seems mainly to serve as an al fresco office for nefarious nocturnal activities. If I thought any of your posts were remotely serious I would actually offer to help paint a mural there. I'm quite nifty with a paintbrush. Perhaps a new mural could depict the various activities that take place in the alley.
  • You lay one finger on that mural and I'll get Checkski to cut your fucking arms off.
  • edited 4:21PM
    You know, I have never once seen any sort of malfeasance underway in that alleyway, at any time of day or night. Though give I have been told I look like an undercover policeman, perhaps they all dart off when I hove into view.
  • Putting vulgarity aside for a brief moment, I believe I've seen some of Mrs. Annie's illustrations and doodles and they are indeed very good.  Wasn't there a link to your website somewhere? 
  • edited 4:21PM
    Don't worry Checkski has already said she will join us. Also pls watch language a lot of kids come to this site. As it is very cold today we have cut short the collection times today but we aim to be around next sat by which time the new design will be public.
  • edited 4:21PM
    Checkski is one broad you defo don't want to mess with. Smooth and charming on the outside but with a heart of ice. As to the language police I say bollocks. Them and the monarchy.
  • Steady now, gents. Let's be nice. God forbid we should ever expose children to language... But, yes, Tollington Tom, you're absolutely right.  Wrists slapped.  I apologise unreservedly and from now on will refrain from using offensive English swearwords such as Doodlesack, Bufenabber and Ape Leader in the event that an errant toddler finds their way onto this forum in the search for sanctimonious posts about coffee and Controlled Parking Zones and nonsense about goat shagging.

  • edited 4:21PM
    Girls, please! Yet again Checkski and his gender have been dragged into the spotlight. Kreuzkav even wonders if I exist at all.

    I'll tell you what, though. I have a hunch about Tollington Tom. Surely it's Philistine in disguise? Girl or boy, there is something of the night about each of them. If they are not the same person, they are Castor and Pollux, the heavenly twins.

    As for Taff Bach - he is no more Welsh than I am!

    In short, I sometimes wonder if any of you exist at all - but I suppose that's forums for you.
  • edited January 2011
    @checkski. Prepare to come home to a real fire. It could be more than just a leg of lamb that Taff Bach will be roasting tomorrow, I hear.
  • Checkski, this whole forum is the output of one person: an 82-year-old spinster called Marjorie with far too many cats and an indecent amount of spare time on her hands. We are mere figments of an addled mind. That is all.
  • edited 4:21PM
    Thank you for the very nice compliment Philistine, I did put a link to my blog on my very first post. It's just to showcase my illustration and prop making projects. If anyone's especially interested I'll whisper the link again. Also it now has a recent picture of me on it and I don't want blow my cover!
  • edited 4:21PM

    I didn't say Taff Bach wasn't Welsh. I said he was no more Welsh than I am.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

    Move over, Marjorie!
  • edited 4:21PM
    Yeh, Checkski, I know where you live. Cymru am bydd. Cofio Trewerin. Tan fawr.
  • edited 4:21PM
    OK, Taff, you win. The only Welsh I understand is 'toop', and I don't even know how to spell it. My mother often called me toop, and I fear she was right.

    Please don't burn my house down. We are still recovering from the shock of Filly's bits through the letter box.
  • edited 4:21PM
    A Welsh theme has been suggested by one person for the mural but I'm not sure it would get much support. Are there any specific Welsh suggestions your would recommend? Time is running out...
  • edited 4:21PM
    Its twp not toop.
  • edited 4:21PM
    And your one of the least twp ladies I've ever met.
  • The final proposals for the mural will be reviewed tomorrow. If you have any final thoughts please let us know before 5pm. We have still to raise all the money for the repaint but the school is reasonably confident it can be done by the end of the spring

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited February 2011
    That is amazing. Perhaps we should rethink, or at least reshape the idea that has been proposed, tho expense would be a factor. Thanks for the suggestion.

    The consensus was a new design should be child-friendly and perhaps educational, specially as it is close to school and the kids pass it every day. There was also the feeling it would be less prone to vandalism than some gangsta street-style trendy design.

    Other people have also mentioned historical themes so the concept which has been accepted tries to reflect it.

    One side will be an illustrated alphabet with characters drawn from children's fiction, TV etc (or a local hero) and the other will be a 'stroud green-scape' including some of the same characters. I suppose, to Miscarra's point, this could be 3-D and would be striking.

    So far the alphabet side is as follows (work in progress, other ideas still welcome until end of Feb)

    A Andy Pandy
    B Bob the Builder
    C Clangers (Capt Pugwash also mentioned but considered sexist)
    D Dangermouse (Donald Duck also mentioned, but copyrright issues_
    E Edna (from the Incredibles film(
    F Flumps (agreed by all, given N4 connection)
    G Grub (as in Pugh Pugh Barley McGrew Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub)
    H Hair bear bunch (but does anyone remember them?). Harry Potter (bit obvious we thought)
    I Iggle Piggle
    J Jetsons
    K Kermit
    L Little Mo or Lady Penelope
    M Mr Ben (Mister Men and Micky Mouse also mentioned)
    N Noddy (Noggin the Nog also mentioned but considered racist)
    O Orville (with or without cuddles)
    P Postman Pat (power rangers also mentioned)
    Q Questas (hardly anyone had heard of this though)
    R Rastamouse
    S Scoobydoo/Scrappy Do (could be good combo)
    T Tomblyboos (I don' tknow the spelling and I don't really want to)
    U Upsidaisy
    V Vitor
    W Windy Miller
    X X-Men
    Y Yogi bear (possibly plus Boo Boo)
    Z Zeberdee
  • edited 4:21PM
    I don't see Donald Duck being more of a copyright problem than the others, especially given Edna is from a Pixar (ie Disney) film too.

    I hope the X-Men are represented by Wolverine in a berserker rage, gorily gutting some ninjas.
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