Tea & Milk

edited February 2011 in Local discussion
I was reading last night that Lynne Featherstone has been claiming Parliamentary expenses for Tea and milk at her constituency office. Doesn’t sound unreasonable. Got me thinking of how common it is for people to get free drinks on the company they work for. I have on several occasions worked at places where the free stuff has been taken away and replaced by expensive crap machines causing much angst ! I have got if free at the moment but have to pay for the milk so have developed a taste for black tea I didn’t know I had. So who gets it free who pays and what other “stupid” things do your employers do around this ?


  • edited 8:43PM
    Used to get it free, decent filter coffee, tea, fruit, milk, the lot. And £6 a day lunch. Can of Red Bull for 20p...

    Company got bought up,

    Now have to pay 65p for machine coffee, a very sad day, and free lunch was shelved.

    On the plus side, they haven't noticed they're still paying for my landline and business-grade internet at home. Hee he.
  • edited 8:43PM
    Free tea, coffee (instant, but decaf too upon my request) and milk. However we get a big ticking off if we use the milk for our own cereals.

    The organisation never pays for drinks, socials, Christmas or summer parties. That's OK, we are a charity.

    This is a bit of a dull thread for me to contibute my dull two penneth worth...
  • edited 8:43PM
    Free tea, coffee, milk. No canteen at all. We do get an expensive Christmas do.
  • benben
    edited 8:43PM
    Free teabags and instant coffee granules, plus milk, but you have to pay if you use the Flavia machine. Regular emails pointing out that the money in the little cashbox is inconsistent with the number of sachets that have been used. Some think this is due to under-paying; others think it's to do with stealing. I work in a criminology department in a university, so I'm just surprised that no-one has set up an experiment to test these explanations.

    Meanwhile, the teaspoons go missing so often that one has had to be tied to the cutlery draw using a long piece of rubber string.
  • edited 8:43PM
    Tea (normal, Earl Grey, green), coffee (granules or proper), hot chocolate, milk, sugar. And today - Krispy Kremes as it's someone's birthday!
  • edited 8:43PM
    We have tea, coffee, milk and biscuits - malted milk, digestives and some kind of sandwiched cream thing that I don't hold with. At the end of each month we have cakes from Carluccios to fatten us up.
  • edited 8:43PM
    Am I really the only person who doesn't get any of this sort of thing (or indeed anything) for free? I don't mind, but I'm a bit surprised.
  • IanIan
    edited 8:43PM
    Civil service don't get any of this for free. Taxpayer shouldn't be expected to pay for milk. It's like a student hall of residence with half going off milk everywhere. I expect people to have it hanging out of the windows in plastic bags. Every office should ask those who use milk to pay into a pot and get a regular stock but then it would probably fall into arguments about who eats cornflakes in the morning ...
  • edited February 2011
    What is free? Somethings are still free like packets of sugar from over priced coffee shops. Never need to buy sugar again. What about English mustard available from any over priced gastro pub? And at work we are all entitled to use the toilet aren't we? Yes, but if we don't go during the day why not take your allocated quota of toilet paper home with you as I do?
  • edited 8:43PM
    Going during the day is better, as that way you're using the employer's time as well as their paper.
  • edited 8:43PM
    And their soap and hot water.
  • I think this is the dullest thread ever. A thread on 'did you remember to floss today?' would be more exciting.
  • edited 8:43PM
    Worse than the umpteenth repeat of 'can anyone recommend a dentist/plumber/builder' Krappy?
  • edited 8:43PM
    Perhaps it should have been phrased as 'Can anyone recommend an employer with good beverage and loo facilities, and lax hiring standards?'
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