Feis Festival, June 18th 2011

edited March 2011 in Local discussion
this has just been announced: <http://www.londonfeis.com>; It replaces the Fleadh festival that used to be in the park. What hasn't been announced, but which certainly will be, is that Bob Dylan will be headlining. I have a contact with Dylan's promoter who has never been wrong. Who's coming? A


  • edited 8:00PM
    Meeee! It's my birthday on 16th so that would be a good treat.
  • I saw him last year at another of Vinces festivals and it was kinda sad seeing him up there. Very little energy and seemed to be going through the motions. I'm glad though that they are using FP again for these kind of events.
  • edited 8:00PM
    Good on you Annie. I’ll let you know when tickets go on sale. Benny, was it Hop Farm? I heard that was a dire performance. Festivals are pretty much the worst possible environment in which to witness his waning powers, put he can still pull it off when he tries. The contrast between his excellent performance at the O2 in 2009 and the plodding catarrhal death-rattle at the Roundhouse the following day was remarkable.
  • It was Hop Farm and it was a shame because it was otherwise a great festival. I hope you get the real Dylan this time round as agree he's a special performer.
  • edited 8:00PM
    Dylan confirmed, tickets on sale today. £77.50 plus fascist booking fees. Don't know who else is playing yet.
  • AliAli
    edited 8:00PM
    Around 30 acts will perform on 3 stages
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  • edited 8:00PM
    Given that it normally costs me c.£50 to see Dylan I’m willing to pay £30 more for 30 times as many acts. On the other had, given that most 3-dayers are only c.£130 it is a bit steep.
  • edited 8:00PM
    Yes it was announced "exclusively" on 6Music this morning and I had a pathetic little SGorg-er chuckle to myself at my insider knowledge.
  • edited 8:00PM
    Oooo I feel all powerful with my secret knowledge.
  • edited 8:00PM
    You'll be able to hear it fine from the Parkland Walk or Ferme Park Road. Take a picnic up a tree and save >£70.
  • edited 8:00PM
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    edited March 2011
    I love His Bobness but don't know what he'd be like live now to be honest...I seemed to have gone off his voice of late. I saw Neil Young in the Park now he was awesome. It peed down but it just did not matter!
  • AliAli
    edited 8:00PM
    seesm it is Bob on Saturday and Big Issue Festival on the Sunday and there is the Kurdish one on 27th March. Licence Apps isn see here http://www.hornseyjournal.co.uk/news/summer_of_festivals_bidding_for_licences_in_finsbury_park_1_830848 mentions some other bands as well
  • edited 8:00PM
    Now on Sunday too. You’d need a second ticket, or to replace your ticket with a weekend ticket. Van Morrisson to headline Sunday. Shane McGowan confirmed, along with Clannad, Afro-Celt Soundsystem and a bunch of others on non-specified days.
  • edited 8:00PM
    This was good (only went on Saturday). Unusual mix of bands, and a very diverse crowd. A few showers in the afternoon, but it cleared up for Bob. He was better than I last saw him in 2009; the band were much tighter. But he performed the most ridiculous circus-organ version of Hard Rain, and you’d think he’d never picked up a harmonica before. Crowd seemed to love it though. I’ll upload some pictures of the journey home at some point – the police closed SGR with riot vans and police horses everywhere, it was nice to be able to stroll home up the middle of the road.
  • edited June 2011
    I heard someone do a cover of You're A Big Girl Now around 3pm on the Saturday, sounded great from my back garden - thought it couldn't be Bob, any ideas who it was? Some Bob footage on YouTube looks quite good, if a mite pedestrian.

    Thin Lizzy also sounded good, apparently there's going to be a jailbreak *somewhere* in this town, but no one's quite sure, as far as I could tell.
  • edited 8:00PM
    It was the Waterboys! Pretty good version too, though I was trapped in a Guinness queue for most of it.
  • edited 8:00PM
    Haha good work!
  • edited 8:00PM
    I had a really super time! Although I was drunk out of my mind by the end (which is possibly why I have no recollection of riot vans on SGR)...
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  • edited 8:00PM
    Noticed how the Oxford Road gate, with the note on it saying it would be shut Saturday and Sunday from 7pm, was just wrenched off its hinges.
  • edited 8:00PM
    That must have happened on Sunday - we went up there to see if we could use the exit at the end of the show on Saturday night, and a security guard was just about to lock the gate up. We were the last people he let through.

    Or maybe in the drunken haze I imagined him to be a security guard but he was actually some guy hulkin' out.

    This happened at the end of the RATM concert as well I seem to remember.
  • edited June 2011
    Glad I didn't try it then! I was succesfully funnelled to the Seven Sisters exit. Did anyone manage to catch Shane MacGowen? I missed him.
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