Two events, one this Sunday, one a week on Sunday

edited March 2011 in Local discussion
Peace Garden opened
The triangle of land between Granville Road and Stapleton Hall Road N4 is to become a Parish Peace Garden. The official opening will take place on Sunday 27 March when an information board will be installed in the replanted green space telling the story of what happened on Sunday 16 July 1944 and afterwards in Granville Road.

The ceremony will include singing by St Aidan’s Primary School and a contribution from Bruce Kent, a local resident well known for his active campaigning for Nuclear Disarmament (CND). Refreshments are afterwards in Holy Trinity Parish Hall, Granville Road.



There is a fund raising event for the Red Cross JAPAN TSUNAMI APPEAL.
It will be held next to St Aidan’s School at Holy Trinity Community Hall, Stapleton Hall Rd. N4 on SUNDAY 3rd APRIL from 2.00pm till 5.00pm, with lots of great craft activities for kids including Japanese brush class, origami fun, a martial arts display and a cake & tea stall in the garden at the back of the hall
Please bring a cake to help raise money ….and come join the fun.



  • edited 4:43AM
    Thanks Helen - what time does the memorial garden open?
  • edited 4:43AM
    Good point. 4pm
  • edited 4:43AM
    I will pass by both, they are just across from me :)

    Does the cake have to be home made ?
  • edited 4:43AM
    Just baked the most moist and delectable brownies (aren't I modest?) for the fund raiser - most looking forward to it! Hope to see a lot of you there.
  • edited 4:43AM
    Went past the Peace Garden on Saturday - it would appear to be exactly the same as it always was except for the addition of an unnecessarily obtrusive sign. Surely a smaller, lower sign could have shared the same information without being so deleterious to the quiet charm of the garden?
  • edited 4:43AM
    Complaining about the size of a sign in a peace garden is proper, "disgusted of Tunbridge Wells" curmudgeonliness, with extra points for use of the word 'deleterious'.
  • edited 4:43AM
    The sign is a tad garish, though very informative.
  • edited 4:43AM
    It was a choice between this and being baffled at the wording of the Morefit ad on SGR, but the latter only replaced that odd picture of the madwoman, whereas I did find the garden in question delightfully peaceful before it became a designated Peace Garden, which unhappy irony meant it was this one that got the benefit of my virtual green ink.
  • edited 4:43AM
    I like the sign. I spent far too long reading it and looking at the pictures then trying to work out what was where.
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