New music video "Close to you "by FEDERICI (owner of Chaps and Dames)

edited March 2011 in Local discussion
Good day local community!
Long since have I stayed away from such forums, ironically now it seems I am required to address head on such a site for various reasons.
Allow me to explain...
Firstly I am attempting to get attention driven towards a new Music video of my own "Close to you" by FEDERICI (youtube) Reason for this is that I require the support from the local comminty. Record labels are watching me as a pianist composer/singer songwriter and will offer me a record deal if I reach a target of 150,000 hits on youtube.

Indeed many of the local community will ascociate me with having seen me playing the piano and singing in my shop "Chaps and Dames" Islington gazette feature a press release this thursday (see link at bottom) coming about the true story being that a customer of myn named Sam Aiken (from the local community) was shot in the arm out at war defending our GREAT country. After me speaking to his father about how frightened they had all been with their son having come close to death , I was inspired to inco-perate such the topic of DEATH by war in my new music video.
In the video I play a solider who has been killed at war and attempts to reach out to his lost love as a ghost. The video was directed by an award winning sweedish film director and it is beautifully crafted , you should take a look!
Also , I have clearly seen some expressions of critisim towards either Chaps and DAmes as a whole or indeed myself as a character.
For the record if anyone has been upset by my shop and or myself then an apology is due. "SORRY" I am human after all and I will try my upmost best to keep a caring watchful eye on the local community and endevour to make Chaps and Dames a warm welcoming place to all!
Further more ; On the discussion of Vitor having openend up his own shop a few doors down from my own; good luck to anyone who wishes to further them selves in this life. It is commendable that a man seeks for the best of his family , I only hope that is not going to be too much too my expense as I too have a family and livelyhood I wish to maintain myself and have done much in the way of helping and supporting people in life and certainly do not deserve to loose all I have invested much in.
Regarding our reputation of being overly expensive, you should consider that I had in mind ,as well as myn own , Vitor's interests at
heart when decisions were made to increase prices. I believed in Vitor and was forced to change the prices otherwise I would have had to let him go years ago. Seeing as I am entrepreural and have a trait of investing in people I believe in I was insistant on maintaing the relationship I had with Vitor even when it put myself in debt.

HIs opening a shop has indeed caused a fall in business and YES i have reduced rates. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO VISIT CHAPS AND DAMES WITH A 33% REDUCED PRICING SCHEME (but don't tell anyone as being a crook naturally I will try to get the full price from those who don't know about it!) Sure I'm kidding before your eyebrows hit your kitchen ceiling!
Our number is 020 7561 9181, perhaps some of you could give us a look in, I play and sing LIVE on request to anyone at anytime.
BEAt that Vitor!
Otherwise I hope many of you will respect my introduction, I believe I have been fair, honest and non- slandering .
All the best and have a merry merry Christmas to all you good folk of Stroud green!
FEDERICI (link below to on-line story islington gazette)


  • edited 3:06AM
    Merry Christmas indeed.
  • edited 3:06AM
    Well, what can i say? Perhaps not my cup of tea, but you've got a great voice, have shot a professional vid (with Stroud Green in it too!) and you do song requests with every 33% discounted haircut (for those that know). All the best Paul, you're a true character of SG that we should be proud of. Come on people, most hairdressers just ask if you're going somewhere nice on holiday....
  • edited March 2011
    <object width="450" height="283"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="450" height="283"></embed></object>

  • edited 3:06AM
    I like the shirt and waistcoat.
  • edited 3:06AM
    I do like a chap in a waistcoat, more men should wear them.
  • edited 3:06AM
    The missus won’t allow me wear my leather one. Apparently ‘The Quo aren’t cool’. What does she know.
  • edited 3:06AM
    When much younger, I thought that a brown suede waistcoat with an African motif was a sensible fashion choice. I have since been profoundly corrected.
  • edited 3:06AM
    I used to have a Quo-styled zip-up, black leather waistcoat. It makes me go bright red just thinking about it.
  • FinFin
    edited 3:06AM
    The video's a bit David Brent, like the 'Sixth Sense' style twist at the end though.

    Reckong the song's a grower (from a fairly low base admittedly).

    Still, great effort, looks and sounds professional, best of luck Federici!
  • edited 3:06AM
    Wow, some bankhanded-complement-with-a-knuckle-duster stuff there Fin.
  • edited 3:06AM
    Nothing catches the eye of modern day A&R like a resolute commitment to double denim, I suggest reshooting the video with that in mind.
  • FinFin
    edited 3:06AM
    I'm really in two minds about it, far from a music expert though must admit. Do genuinely wish Federici the best of luck regardless.

    Will still be getting my hair cut at Vitors though, if only 'cause he doesn't have a record deal on the horizon.
  • edited 3:06AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • IanIan
    edited 3:06AM
    @Arkady @sincers - I have lost all faith in the Quo since I learnt that 'Rockin all over the world' was a cover. On the substantive issue I have nothing but respect for Federici for giving it a proper go but it isn't my cup of tea at all, and from that objective viewpoint I thought it more bland than even the bland genre fans would like.
  • edited 3:06AM
    I think this is one of most awesome threads I've ever read on this forum! Loved the video, the song, and the post, and of course the discount... hats off to you Federici, and thanks for making me smile. I will forward to my friends.
  • edited 3:06AM
    in the local paper article it says you grew up on the six acres estate off the seven sisters rd - john lydon (jonny rotten from the sex pistols) grew up on that estate it said.Any stories about him and punks or skinheads scene in the local area.
  • edited 3:06AM
    A well put together video Paul. I hope you get the record deal.
  • edited 3:06AM
    on youtube there is at video of jonny rotten showing how he goes back to the six acres estate,near to sg; and meeting the people who live there now - john lydon talks about how the finsbury park area was alway rowdy,with wired gangs of skinheads and punks roaming the streets into music and trouble... perhaps someone can put a link up to this "finsbury park "video from youtube? I dont know how to do links.
  • edited 3:06AM
    Agreed gonna get my hair done at Vitor's since i know hes not going to burst into song...
    But good luck in whatever your trying to acheive
  • edited 3:06AM
    Great Video, Great song. Well done!
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