From April,Islington Council Will Fine People For Not Recycling.



  • edited April 2011
    Sabbath is not Sunday and it was money changing hands in a place of worship that he took exception to.
  • edited 2:30PM
    Yes, he smashed up stalls in the temple. Chapel market, despite the names, is unlikely to be confused with the same. And as for rude, SGS, you have no equal on this site.
  • edited 2:30PM
    sincers - on the thread called "new park for the area - crouch hill park" - you wrote "why not add a comment to the recycling debate.It's like poking a pit bull terrier with a stick".

    I prefer to think of myself as more of a distinguished labrador.The aristocrat of the dog world.

    Were you referiing to this thread by any chance?

    Just asking

    crucifiction - would that be the right punishment for sg traffic wardens,its debateable.

    Sounds like JC was a badman ASBO vandal in da market...respec dat
    what would jc think of o'neils pub in muswell hill,the pub in the church
    jc would be vandalising that no doubt about it - bit of a hoody really.

    carry on
  • edited 2:30PM
    I follow my dad's line on this: pubs are still a place of gathering, so having that in a church is fine. But an outright place of commerce? That's another matter.
    (Obviously pubs do make some money in the process, but then hey, so do churches)
  • edited 2:30PM
    From 4th April if anyone gets threatened by a fine for not recycling then phone the local papers like the Hornsey Journal or the Islington Gazette or the Islington Tribune (free from outside Tesco in Stroud Green Rd) so that they can write a story about how the council came round to your home and bossily threatened you with a fine;to hold Islington Council to account.Or start a campaign by refusing to pay fine and get that in the local papers too.

    It's mother's day today - reminder.

    o'neils pub in the church in muswell hill - i see what you mean adgs.
  • edited 2:30PM
    Deconsecrated churches or chapels could be used for anything really, but it somehow wouldn't seem right to have them used as shops. Out of interest, does anyone know if Synagogues, mosques etc are ever deconsecrated and used for other purposes? It's just occurred to me that I've never seen this done.
  • edited 2:30PM
    this thread that i started may have done a good pr job for islington labour council and for the islington/haringey green party people - because it has advertised their case - that they want to get everyone to do more recycling to save the council money and to help the environment - discuss...

    carry on
  • edited 2:30PM
    I'm sure I heard somewhere about an East London building which has been a church and a synagogue, and is now a mosque. And presumably Eastern Europe has lots of synagogues that are no longer in commission, but I dread to think what function those serve now...
  • edited 2:30PM
    Aha! A quick Google has furnished me with the info that 59 Brick Lane was first a French Hugenot chapel, then a synagogue and is now a mosque. Thank you ADGS.
  • edited 2:30PM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 2:30PM
  • edited 2:30PM
    There's a former synagogue on Northworld road, near Stoke newington common that is now a woman's gym.
  • edited 2:30PM
    I can think of several in The City, and wasn't the Whitechapel Gallery originally a synagogue?
  • RoyRoy
    edited 2:30PM
    The government is to set to change the law so that councils [will no longer be allowed to fine people for failing to recycle]( Given the BBC article says that the government announced this last year, it really does make you wonder what Islington were (or rather weren't) thinking, introducing fines just in time for the to be axed. What a waste of council taxpayers money.
  • edited 2:30PM
    It's not just that - people will no longer be fined for putting the rubbish out at the wrong time of day. I'm ambivalent about that - sometimes the right times are poorly publicised, and I have friends who've fallen foul of that. And sometimes the right times seem inexplicable, as when I put the rubbish out during the approved window and then see it still sat there hours later. But without any enforcement of those windows, won't we just get rubbish bags on the streets at all hours? Especially given all the other cuts I can picture them sat there for ages stinking, being ripped into by foxes and generally making the place look like Naples.
  • RoyRoy
    edited 2:30PM
    Yeah. I've had the misfortune to live next door to someone who either completely failed to understand or else wilfully refused to comply with the refuse collection arrangements in the area (not here). The net result was large numbers of uncollected bin bags accumulating in their front garden. Not fun at all.
  • JakJak
    edited 2:30PM
    I don't know if it's been mentioned already , tbh I ain't gonna go through all the ranting and raving in this particular thread , but the council can not fine you for failing to recycle.
  • JakJak
    edited 2:30PM
    @ sg steve................

    You make oi larff
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