Haringey to move to fortnightly rubbish collections

edited April 2011 in Local discussion
According to the latest _Haringey People_ magazine, the borough will be moving to fortnightly refuse collections. Extracts from the article on pp20-21: **Improved waste services for Haringey** Wheelie bins will be introduced for recycling, to replace the green doorstep boxes. Recycling, food and garden waste will all continue to be picked up weekly, with collections of general non-recyclable waste moving from weekly to fortnightly in a phased programme starting in January 2012. **What the changes mean for you** For homes with gardens: * weekly recycling collections will continue, involving a bigger 240 litre wheelie bin to replace existing small green boxes * weekly food and garden recycled waste collections will continue * fortnightly collections of general waste will be phased in across Haringey from January 2012, starting in the Muswell Hill area * no changes in collection arrangements for residents living in flats, estates and homes above shops


  • edited 1:52PM
    Interesting different approach from the Islington plan that caused so much comment. People will end up recycling more because their normal bin will otherwise get too full. Good to get wheelie bins for recycling, the current boxes are too small and stuff gets blown around.
  • edited 1:52PM
    I trust they're going to recycle the existing small green boxes
  • edited 1:52PM
    Good to hear. Its a bit annoying as our set of flats have just had the front area build to neatly house the green boxes. But I don't massively object to paying a bit more to get the height raised to accommodate the larger wheelie bins. I slightly object to the announcement in the crappy magazine. That is no way to a communicate a significant policy change. I'm pretty sure they will have to write to individual householders about this though.
  • AliAli
    edited 1:52PM
    The green boxes make great planters - get your vegies in them
  • edited 1:52PM
    But if you have planted vegetables in your green boxes what do you use for your recycling Ali?
  • AliAli
    edited 1:52PM
    They are using them in the garden that is/was on the top of Budgens roofs in CE
  • edited 1:52PM
    We already have to keep our recycling box in our flat so the downstairs neighbour can't nick it for his never ending DIY exploits - God only knows what use he'll find for a stand-up bin (just use it for regular rubbish, I guess).
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