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  • edited 6:53AM
    @Actionverb – does that mean that you recognised me again and failed to introduce yourself? They had a sign-up sheet near the bar – no fee required – and you received a (very nice) badge in exchange for your email address. There were still a good handful left when I staggered home.
  • edited May 2011
    It was a great evening and all credit to the management and staff at the Stapleton, I think they pulled it off really well. Wenches and all. The bar staff costumes were terrific and the swearing in was hilarious, 'Justice, Truth and Friendship' and all......thanks Tom. Good laugh. I didn't think they were going to put much effort into it but indeed they did.

    The badge reproduction looks great and there were little free lapel badges too, which was a nice touch. Photos follow.
  • edited 6:53AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 6:53AM
    no way ... missed that ....
  • edited 6:53AM

    glad you all had a good evening. we really enjoyed it, so thanks to all of you who made the effort. a big thanks to krappy for originally pointing out the badge for us! Tom did indeed do a fantastic job, so all credit to him and his speeches!

    Apologies to those who didn't see the food. There was indeed some olde style pies coming round, but clearly didn't make it to quite everyone!

    thanks again, and we shall be announcing the first date for the drinking clubs first meeting very soon
  • edited 6:53AM
    Bethy, may I say that you looked splendid in your wenching-wear.
  • edited 6:53AM
    What a splendid evening! Thanks to all at the Stapleton for organising it and to Krappy for discovering 'The Badge'. Lovely to see so many people supporting this, it's another fine example of what makes SG such an odd and marvellous place to live. Thank you very much for my lovely badge too, now we have a way to recognise fellow drinking club members and other SG'ers.
  • edited 6:53AM
    Yes, it was fun spotting on the night. Everyone behind the bar looked great!
  • edited 6:53AM
    why thank you arkady. i must admit i enjoyed it a little too much. think i may have missed my calling in life ;)
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