
edited May 2007 in About this site
Just stumbled across this <>;


  • edited 3:06AM
    I'm in Harringey. I laugh in the face of Islington.
  • edited 3:06AM
    Did you see what's on there....????

    Author: Greg Prachar (
    Date: 07/04/2007 07:19


    As a regular visitor to UK, I am constantly wrong on my pronounciation of local names. Is Islington "Is-ling-ton" or "Eye-ling-ton" I will will be visiting there soon and would like to honor you locals with, at least, the ability to say the name of your area properly.


    Greg Prachar
    Los Angeles - US
  • edited 3:06AM
    Can you tell me the way to F-eye-nsbury Park, please?
  • edited 3:06AM
    You joke, but it's a common in-joke with my friends about the American on Tunbridge Station...

    "Excuse me, do you know the way to Ca-Noely Park?"
    "Ca-noely Park?"
    "Knole Park?"
  • edited 3:06AM
    Aw, I like Greg, at least he's making the effort.
  • edited 3:06AM
    I had some people over from the States that found place names like Barking, Tooting and Dorking hilarious.
  • edited 3:06AM
    I once had a very rude American guy talking down to me over the phone at work.

    He then told me (in his most condescending voice) that he could be contacted at the Gross-ven-our Hotel

    He wasn't quite so high and mighty after I laughed at him.
  • edited June 2007
    I was once hiring a boat at the Okefenokee nature reserve in Georgia and I had to give an address, so I just said 'blah blah blah, London', and she filled in 'France' on the end of the form. She also had the biggest bottom I have ever seen on an almost normally proportioned person - it must have weighed at least as much as she did.
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