Cometh The Hour, y'all

edited June 2011 in Local discussion
According to an [article in the Daily Mail](, the BBC's answer to Mad Men, The Hour, is currently being filmed at Hornsey Town Hall, and stars one of Baltimore's finest, Dominic "Jimmy McNulty" West, as a 1950s journalist. Presumably they're not filming it in the customer complaint centre - but I wonder what made it such a good period location. And who's going to be first with a Parkland Walk sighting?


  • edited 8:51PM
    Not N4, but apparently they were filming the new Batman movie round the corner of my office in Clerkenwell a couple of weeks ago. Beat that!
  • edited 8:51PM
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  • edited 8:51PM
    I work right near there and totally missed that, though I have seen various odds and sods of filming - the most exciting being the time I spotted Sylvester McCoy in what looked quite like his Doctor outfit...
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