The new CPZ's is it a gain for the residents or the council ?

edited June 2011 in Local discussion
Just read a document about the new CPZ and the initial questionaire document was sent to 4200 houses and only 288 responses - 7%

I am guilty of apathy.

Are these changes really needed?

Match day controls - biggest swindle as its is .
The council will be now offering a phone line that they will charge for MDC's info.


  • edited 1:51AM
    there are two inevitabilities to life in London and a CPZ is one of them. So don't worry that your apathy has meant it was implemented. Celebrate instead the employment creation - not just at the cheerful front end but the back office transport experts as well, who are so super-qualified and thorough that when I asked how many spaces would there be in the new zone and how many resident permits would they expect to be issuing, I was told it was not something they had quantified.
  • AliAli
    edited 1:51AM
    I responded with some questions which never got answered. They were based around in times of austerity how do the perceived gains splitting up the CPZ compare to the costs of setting it up and all the agro that will happen with the confusion it will cause. But I guess if want to look after you job in the council inventing this sort if thing helps you out! I must chase them again. I also don’t understand why they don’t address the consolation to a named person in the property They have this info in the council tax and current permit systems but I guess that might get a better response.
  • edited 1:51AM
    Yup, I responded, too and they completely ignored what I, and others, had to say about the times of operation. Loads of people said it was not necessary to have the CPZ operate all day (and that the match day controls should be reconsidered now that Arsenal has moved). But have they listened?
    Complete waste of Council Tax funds on a "consultation" exercise, the results of which have largely been ignored.
    So, Jim, your apathy really doesn't matter.
  • edited 1:51AM
    oops... let's not encourage apathy .. we must participate .. like I did along with a couple of million others marching through London against waging war in Iraq we can make a difference .... (now where's that emoticon for complete and abject wrist-slitting disenchantment ?? ..)
  • edited 1:51AM
  • AliAli
    edited 1:51AM
    Councillor Wilson where are you ?
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