Ewok Village in the Guardian

edited May 2011 in Local discussion
"The Faltering Fullback Hidden away in the back streets of Stroud Green in Finsbury Park, the ivy-covered Faltering Fullback is four pubs in one. The front bar is a welcoming if bustling horseshoe-shaped affair, well stocked with draught and bottled beers. A curious assortment of objects – guitars, scarves, aeroplanes – hangs from the ceiling. The back bar continues the theme, in a more relaxed way. You'd be forgiven for thinking the pub stopped there, but that's not the half of it. Double doors lead through into a surprise third space, where the mood is more raucous and focused around a pool table. A further set of doors leads out into London's most unusual beer garden. A bewildering series of stairs, gangways and terraces is reminiscent of the Ewok village from Return of the Jedi. • 19 Perth Road N4, +44 (0)20-7272 5834, falteringfullback.com" http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2011/may/06/top-10-london-best-pubs


  • edited 4:29PM
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  • edited 4:29PM
    It was listed in the Londonist the other day as well.
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    Bunk off work and try it on a midweek afternoon. I've enjoyed a couple of sunny cheeky afternoons there that way.
  • edited 4:29PM
    Hmm. I wonder where they got 'ewok village' from and if any of the guardian journalists registered on this site would like to take credit?
  • edited 4:29PM
    I'm pretty sure I was calling it that before I used this site (not saying I made it up, just that it's not an SG.org invention).
  • edited 4:29PM
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  • edited 4:29PM
    Apart from the poor ale selection, the thing that upsets me most about the FF is the horrible stench in the main bar. It smells like a student bar - a combination of stale beer and disinfectant (presumably the two are meant to cancel each other out, but not so there).
  • edited 4:29PM
    Over the last year or so, I've been amazed at how many people from all over London come here for the FF. It's a lovely pub, but still. Anyway, now I feel the same as misscara. I never knew the Ewoks were from Star Wars, I thought they were just from the cartoon. How can I have got this old without knowing that? I've never seen Star Wars; hmm, nice idea for a radio and TV spin-off show. (@andy, not me!)
  • edited 4:29PM
    I agree with what everyone's said really about it being generally too busy now, but still good during the day if you can get there early enough.

    I find that N19 more than meets my outside-drinking pub needs and is never too busy.
  • edited 4:29PM
    I was at the FF yesterday (Sunday) at about 7pm and you could actually get a seat outside for last bit of sun. Was very nice, though I do agree with above comments it does get far to busy now.
  • edited 4:29PM
    Was in the Ewok Village earlier and it was a little surprising that, even on a Monday, it was more or less packed - we did get a table, but it was the last one.

    Downstairs did seem to be hosting the most cretinously simple pub quiz I've ever encountered, but whether that was a factor in the crowd volume I don't know.
  • edited 4:29PM
    ADGS - yes, 4 prizes, 5 teams on 30 out of 30. At least there were no rabbit-based questions. Ewok village is actually the source of the problems described above. This is what happens when you expand hugely the sitting/ drinking space in a pub but with the same bar capacity. Perhaps the answer is to start a concerted campaign of online slagging off so as to deter the incomers.
  • edited 4:29PM
    Shame, only 15 months ago that quiz was far more fiendish.
  • edited 4:29PM
    @ShaunG - they could at least staff more heavily - I've never seen it with more than 2 people behind the bar, despite space for at least 3, not to mention that the 2 they have are also expected to collect glasses etc.
  • edited 4:29PM
    There are often 3 behind the bar, and Pat steps in too. But it's not a huge bar space. The quiz varies wildly - this week was an aberration. I quite like the variety. I've been going over 2 years, but I wouldn't have said it was ever fiendish, compared with some.
  • R&JR&J
    edited 4:29PM
    It seems to be the non local's local nowadays

    I remember when it was the Sir Walter Scott. It was in need of doing up for sure. Then Chris came along and painted the walls red and stuck candles in wine bottles and put them on the tables. All of a sudden the Faltering Fullback was born.

    Seriously feels like you're intruding on someone elses party in there
  • edited 4:29PM
    N4 pub seemed liked a nice idea but late night brawls, motley crowd and squad cars or should I say vans gives you an idea of what this place is like thanks to the new owners who took over 8 months ago.
  • edited 4:29PM
    Cristo: N4's licence is under review according to Islington Council:
  • edited 4:29PM
    That's good to know Mirandola. Is it easy to find out these things from the council?

    I'm also curious to check out the FFB...sounds like my kinda place!
  • edited 4:29PM
    I noticed N4 has a new name...The Fonthill. Hopefully new owners as well!
  • edited 4:29PM
    Thanks Mirandola....just saw your message now. Will check it out.
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