Health and Safety

Health and safety training. Speciality ladders. Very reasonable terms. Whittington Hospital, orthopaedic ward, all month.


  • edited 5:30PM
    an experienced instructor then?
  • edited 5:30PM
    Fullly industry-compliant Health and Safety training on hazardous ladder use from Recent Direct Personal Experience. This seminar will be moving tomorrow to orthopaedic department, Royal London Hospital for one week only.

    This unique roadshow has been specially flown in from Southern Europe and is billed to appear in a pub near you in early July. Roll up!.
  • edited 5:30PM
    I'm surprised that someone who is, in general, cynical about all things and all people should finally get excited by the promise of a speciality ladder.
  • edited 5:30PM
    Dear Mr. Rubbsmith, I have recently been commissioned to recreate a floating pontoon/dock on the beach at Morfa Conwy in North Wales. These were the devices that were used during Operation Overlord in the Second world War. H&S will be of great importance but, damn me, I can't remember what they were called?
  • edited 5:30PM
    Dear Mr Bach,

    I believe the structures you refer to were known as Raspberries or Raspberry Harbours. I am unaware of any Health and Safety implications involving tall ladders and raspberries and, of course, raspberries grow on low spreading bushes, however I am sure you personally are intimately familiar with raspberries of all kinds.

    Oddly enough, my Health and Safety seminar will cover the use of tall ladders and a variety of other squishy fruit and I can offer an especially excruciating and hard-hitting example from personal experience involving the harvesting of mulberries.

    Would you like me to book you a ticket for the Royal London Orthopaedic roadshow which begins today for one week only?.
  • edited 5:30PM
    @andy - 'in general, cynical about all things and all people'. I think you must be referring to another Mr Rubsnif.
  • edited 5:30PM
    The reason for this mystery thread is that I am in the orthopaedic ward at Whittington Hospital with a fractured pelvis after falling off a ladder (propped beneath a mulberry tree in Italy.)

    I've just discovered it is Falls Awareness Week UK. Spooky huh?
  • edited 5:30PM
    That clears up an otherwise baffling thread.
  • edited 5:30PM
    Ouch. I thought you must be ill as I haven’t seen you in the Stapleton.
  • edited 5:30PM
    @Arkady perhaps you could smuggle him in a pint with an orange in it?

    Also - ow. Pelvis horror.
  • edited 5:30PM
    Not his tipple. He's more of a wino.
  • edited 5:30PM
    Don't mind me. Cranberry High Juice is my tipple of choice right now.
  • edited 5:30PM
    Ouch. Be as grumpy as you like. And thanks for helping to raise the profile of Falls Awareness Week.
  • edited 5:30PM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited June 2011
    Being transferred to the Royal London Hospital tonight for an operation - then home by around Tuesday and two months on crutches.

    A great advance on the original scenario of a few days ago which was three months in an Italian hospital under the care of Italian nurses hand picked from Mussolini death squads, then repatriation by RyanAir. I was brought home by medevac. Thank God for travel insurance.
  • edited 5:30PM
    Oh, get well soon Krappy.
  • edited 5:30PM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 5:30PM
    Don't bother with a ticket as I am the lemomchello supplier to that institution.
  • edited 5:30PM
    Op a success, coming back to life, coasting along on pleasing quantities of legal poppy derivative. Please book me a place outside Texco.
  • edited 5:30PM
    Can we now call you metal Mikey?
  • edited 5:30PM
    Metal Micky the Titanium Terror.

    Got me thinking about spare part surgery. What was prophesied when I was a child is now so true. Without wishing to get too deeply personal on a place like this, it occurred to me that I'm gradually being rebuilt ... titanium superstructure, bits of teeth, artificially enhanced eyesight and in my case someone else's immune system, stem cells and blood group. Common enough I know but I'm grateful. Now all I need is someone else's brains in regard to ladders.
  • edited 5:30PM
    Kryptonite Krappy and his Zinc Zeitgeist
  • edited 5:30PM
    I would just like to share with SG that I am on TOP FORM today, and will probably be home in a couple of days. I would quite like to get hold of an old fashioned bath chair, so that I can parade up and down SGR in style like all the other eccentrics.
  • edited 5:30PM
    On Wednesday I saw a guy dressed as a pharaoh (except all in black) on SGR, which was pretty impressive.
  • edited 5:30PM
  • edited 5:30PM
    I like the physio at the Whittington, I used to go to their orthopaedic masterclass on a Wednesday. All good fun.
  • edited 5:30PM
    What I need now is a 'get out of hospital free' card.
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