Stabbing in Wray Crescent park



  • edited 12:22AM
    well said misscara.lets just hope the guy pulls throw,he was stabbed in his back i heard now his leg so lets all say a pray for him,even if he is a gang member he doesnt deserve to be stabbed or killed,none of these young men do
  • edited 12:22AM
    @annie post was directed towards deol91.
  • edited 12:22AM
    Like I said before I live in this area for 18 years and I'm very much aware of what is going on here. As a parent and a community member I have right to share my opinion with anyone I want.After todays discusion I think that some people including myself find difficult to control they emotions and we did start to be a little bit to snappy to each other.
  • edited 12:22AM
    i think deol91 is right we all got a bit heated and forgot about this young man,but on the other side i see what u was saying,u live around and are fightened for the youths around your area and thats very lets all stop the bitching now,its not nice adults argueing as well as the youths ,hope i didnt upset any1 on here ,didnt mean no harm just trying to stop the wrong person getting the blunt of some scum bag
  • edited 12:22AM
    @deol91 You are welcome to make whatever comments you like. When you do, you can't expect everyone to agree with you. That's life. @annie - I think we know the same person. Can't believe it's 4 years ago. But I happen to disagree with you, too. I think a lot of people who look at this forum don't see these issues everyday and so it's good that it's getting talked about. Your kids, if they are at risk, are at risk anyway. Personally, I don't see that anything needed to be edited, but you'll disagree with me on that, and that's OK.
  • edited 12:22AM
    yes i think we do no the same person,and thats what myself and i think the other person was trying to stop,names shouldnt be named,we dont want a repeat and i dont think alot of people understand,as we have lost some1 to this nasty shit i think we understand more.maybe the police should let the whole community no insted of hideing it and maybe every1 will be aweare of what this area is like
  • edited 12:22AM
    I don't expect from people to have same opinion.And I also know that people have no idea about them kind of incidents happening and how they affect people around us and is not because we dont care is because is beyond our emagination that is happening in our neighbourhood
  • edited 12:22AM
    Nothing that was posted on this thread either named anyone or could prejudice an investigation. Yes there has been minor speculation, however there is much greater speculation currently on the social networks that the kids actually use and I can assure you this isn't one of them. This stabbing was a public event, it happened in the local park. The police have made a public appeal for information. The vids posted on youtube were deliberately put into the public domain. The idea that the event should not be discussed is ridiculous. The comments on this site are not going to spark a gang war because the people posting here (as far as I know) are not in the gangs involved! And actually it is the culture of silence and fear that allows gang culture to flourish.
  • edited 12:22AM
    u r right ,but nameing flats saying they done it does spark another turff war,(if seen by the wrong person)and yes every1 should no whats going on but as i live near and speek to the young boys around here,i think i understand more into it than most.its bad how the kids live now,when i ws young growing up around here,we ws allowed out till 9 and 10 with out a worry,i wont even let my 11 year old to the local prk ,thats sad aint it.i think ur all right in what ur saying .the problem was just the nameing of gangs or what u wanna call them
  • edited 12:22AM
    by the way noone had said u all shouldnt talk about it on here did they?have u read it all?
  • edited 12:22AM
    and also i found this website posted on its not who can see it thats on here and where they r in a gang,its who has seen it on other net works and every1 has stopped argueing on here so why would u want to try and start it all back up,please
  • edited 12:22AM
    Now you are talking shite...
  • edited 12:22AM
  • edited 12:22AM
    Maybe you have been talking to deol for too long...
  • edited 12:22AM
  • edited 12:22AM
    still dont answer how?
  • edited 12:22AM
    im off to bed,aint got time for this,ive done what i wanted and that was to take the name of the flats off of here good night
  • edited 12:22AM
    Do you have any idea in what kind of danger you putting boys from Crouch hall court by saying that it was them who stab the man. I dont think police advice you to share whatever information you got.
    I was 1 of the first people who called 999 that evening. That was when I saw about 30 boys in crouch hall court. After living in this area for 18 years I can asure you all them people was not from crouch hall court.

    As I said...talking shite.
  • edited June 2011
    Dear All Stroud Green

    We are the Tollington Safer Neighbourhoods Team for Islington and based at Holloway Police Station on Hornsey Road.
    This is the first time we have added a comment to this site but do check the site to see what the residents and the community are talking about.

    With regards to the Incident that took place on Tuesday 21st June 2011 near to Wray Crescent Park. The investigation is in full swing and we would encourage anyone with any information leading up to and after the incident to contact us.

    The Tollington Team have been doing a great deal of work with the group that hang around the park area as we have seen an increase in activity from the group over the past 4 months.
    This work has involved a number of agencies including all of the youth clubs on the ward and parents of the young males.

    Regarding the incident on Tuesday I would ask residents not to point blame at any group and allow us to investigate the assault as this may cause confusion if we require to speak to witnesses.

    The Tollington Safer Neighbourhoods Team are fully committed to the area and we can be contacted on 0207 4210559 or email us at Please do not contact us via this site and in emergency always call 999

    Pc Matt FLETCHER 121NI
  • edited 12:22AM
    Shame the video has gone, the little boy at the start was quite good
  • edited 12:22AM
    This is for the Police looking at this and other threads. In the years that we've lived here we have witnessed a shooting, attacks and other incidents. We've called 999 over 7 times and I must say that i am disgusted at how long it takes for someone or a car to arrive. By the time a police car does arrive incidents or people committing offences are long gone.

    We just witnessed a fight involving 9 males and a girl with one of the boys seeming to be bleeding from his mouth. It's now been over ten minutes and not a sign of any police since we called 999.

    Depressing, frustrating and sad. There is little hope for the area if the Police presence is not constant and visibile. It is neither right now.
  • FinFin
    edited June 2011
    I also knew the person being referred to here who was stabbed and killed 4 years ago, still deeply shocking to think about even now.

    There is a Family Peace Walk being held to mark the anniversary, taking place this Saturday, 25th July from St Mellitus Church Peace Garden at 1:30pm. Probably more constructive than arguing on a website?
  • edited 12:22AM
    I have just witnessed the aftermath of a teenager being beaten up by 6 teenagers in Woodfall Park.

    Yet again it has taken ages for the police to respond after a phone call.

    They were parked in Woodfall and the boy had moved to Moray and they just sat there in the car with nothing to see. They nearly missed the poor bleeding boy eventually when I waved them down.

    I have written to Jeremy Corbyn about the amount of attacks I have witnessed and the lack of police presence and slowness to respond and an feeling of indifference from them.

    Jeremy never replied. That says it all.

    Feel sorry for the kids around here as there feels like there is little support for them and the police just dont seem to be effective, fast or helpful

    They need to be walking around the streets at lunchtimes and afterschool. They need to be seen full stop.

    Im getting the feeling that its not worth calling the police as you feel like they have seen it all before and you are a nuisance.

    Im not anti police at all and try to be helpful, but what chance is there for the kids when they are so slow to arrive.

  • AliAli
    edited 12:22AM
    I thought that I have read in the papers that the police neighbourhood teams are getting budget cuts
  • edited 12:22AM
    A full 36 mins from a resident's observation about a beating to be linked to budget cuts. Ali, you need to raise your game, you're normally much much quicker.
  • AliAli
    edited 12:22AM
    Are you saying I am obsessive or just plain slow ?
  • edited June 2011
    I just want applaud Timmymc to come to the aid of an injured man. Many wouldn't. I'm curious to know how many people from the named estates read Enough to put people's lives at "danger","risk"?
  • edited 12:22AM
    Well done Timmymc for all you done. As some one who knows this young man who was stabbed and also knows the young man who was murdered tonight by possibly the same youths thinks naming these kids is a good thing to name estates or groups if you know what or who they are. People are too quite nowadays and wont speak up which leads to another young life as it has tonight. RIP Andrew
  • edited 12:22AM
    Is that what I walked past at the entrance to the Andover on my way home last night? How awful.
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