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2012 Olympics - Tickets

edited June 2011 in Local discussion
Anyone manage to secure tickets?

The mrs and I applied for 5 different events, and got one pair. To the gymnastics. Not all bad I suppose.

Did anybody get all the tickets they applied for?

Just wondering, that's all.


  • edited 2:24AM
    We only applied for two sets, didn't get any - I didn't want to apply for too many events as there was always the possibility that it could hit my VISA credit limit when money was taken.... fat chance with all the fat cats getting their allocation percentages. We didn't bother with the "second chance" ticket run this morning either.
  • edited 2:24AM
    Opening ceremony x2
    And 5 other pairs

    2.5k from a 5 k order

    Not bad considering there's a 1~6 chance
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