Stabbing in Wray Crescent park



  • edited 10:21PM
    Terrible. Saw the forensics tent this morning.

    There was a large group of people outside on my street until the early hours. They were just sat around talking. I get the impression they knew the victim. Very sad.
  • edited 10:21PM
    Going back to something that was said already, The police took just over 10 mins to arrive and an hour for an ambulance. If the ambulance or police had of got there sooner that young boy may have stood a chance, now he's dead.
  • edited 10:21PM
    Whatever happened to a good old fashioned square go? Real men don't carry knives eh?!
  • edited 10:21PM
    Cowards, cowards carry knives!!
  • edited 10:21PM
    What awful news.
    So sad that this has happened.
    Andy that is really disheartening about the police and the ambulance.
    I wrote to Jeremy Corbyn last week about my concerns about the slowness of the police to respond and an air of indifference about the crime in this area and he wrote back and is going to bring it up with the police. However more voices will help so I urge you to do the same, who knows it may save a life one day.
  • edited 10:21PM
    At the end of the day. ACAB
  • edited 10:21PM
    Bridget your right. Not enough people will stand up because they are frightened of anything coming back to them. I think we should all come together as a community, and by that i dont mean 10 - 20 people, i'm talking a community and stand up and be heard that we arent going to tolerate any more lives being lost to these cowardless thugs. Unfortunately that wont happen
  • edited June 2011
    Sorry and this will be a rant but how dare you say if the ambulance had got here sooner... If people didn't carry knives then the ambulance would not be needed, I was a paramedic in central London for a few years and the amount of people saying "why did you not get here sooner" or "that we took our time" When you get called to a stabbing you don't know what your walking into, don't EVER blame the paramedics or ambulance staff, blame the politician or maybe the fucking idiots who carry a knife! I am sorry this young lad has died its a horrific thing that has happened. The Paramedics and Police do a very very hard job well, we don't know what we are walking into, we don't know if the area is clear we don't know who is hanging around, yet we turn up for shit money and a even worse response from the public. It makes me sick to death to here people say that we do a bad job as we don't. The saying walk a mile in my shoes, springs to mind.
  • edited 10:21PM
    Hear Hear. I can't imagine some of the crap paramedics have to deal with, but when I hear stories about them being attacked when they're on a job, it makes me see red. It absolutely beggars belief. The govt need to consider a zero tolerance approach to assaults on emergency service personnel. The scum that behave in this way deserve locking up and thrashing.
  • R&JR&J
    edited 10:21PM
    @ Detritus So the ambulance taking an hour to arrive isn't worth mentioning? Get over yourself
  • edited 10:21PM
    I hardly think they were parked round the corner eating sandwiches.
  • edited 10:21PM
    A ambulance taking over a hour to arrive is worth talking about, I never said anything of the sort if you care to read what I put. The fact there needed at all should be questioned and if the response time is so long what is the point of blaming the Medics who arrive? If there was not any knife crime then Ambulances wont be needed, its simple really don't carry and use knifes. And yes the government should spend more on the service a hell of a lot more, but they can't. I know its some kind of Nirvana that will never happen but its a nice thought. Its not like we sit on are arse all day and only decided to appear when we feel like it, we are to lowest link of the chain, yet we get it in the neck.
  • edited 10:21PM
    If they took an hour to arrive, they took an hour to arrive! Theres a finite number of teams, and on a weekend like we've just had i'm sure they were completely overrun. Its not a reflection on the paramedics. Any abuse is unacceptable. My question would be, how quick would it have been to bung him in a car and get him to Whittington? 5 mins. Having known it'd be an hour, im sure there would have been many volunteers to assist. Don't know whether thats emergency services procedure to suggest an alternative? On the other hand......10 mins for police? Andover Road is a 15 second sprint.
  • edited 10:21PM
    More police tape this evening, around Future Homes (next to Season on SGR). No idea why but it doesn't contribute to the feeling of a safe neighbourhood, does it?
  • edited 10:21PM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 10:21PM
    A 13 year old has been arrested for the murder on the Andover. 13!!
  • edited 10:21PM
    Jesus at 13 I was still playing with Action Man and conkers.
  • edited 10:21PM
    Very late notice, but I saw a sign saying there was a memorial vigil at seven today in the Andover.
  • edited 10:21PM
    I'm in Moray Rd and we've just had two police officers going door to door making enquiries about this. They were 'proper' policemen in suits, very impressed with their brisk manner and efficiency. That's what I want all policemen to be like.
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