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Harringey on Film

edited June 2007 in Local discussion
[Harringey on Film]( A list of locations used on TV and Film.


  • edited 9:44PM
    Would that be Harringey, Harringay, Haringey or Haringay Matt? :P

    Anyone know what Bristol TV are doing camped up in the basketball court in the park?
  • edited 9:44PM
    Dunno, but there was a film crew in the curry house at the bottom of Crouch Hill all day yesterday. There were at least a dozen chefs, all looking like the Swedish chef from The Muppets.
  • edited June 2007
    Exotic of India?!?! It's RUBBISH! As for the various spellings of Harringey, don't get me started. ;)
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