Attack on Crouch hill.

edited July 2011 in Local discussion
Hello All,
A female member of staff was sexually attacked last night walking from crouch end to the Dairy, just before couch hill station.
It happened at about 1am. The man was Asian, about 5ft 6 he had short dark hair and was wearing jeans and a big shiny white puffa jacket (possibly with red stitching).
There were a couple with a bike just down the road who she ran past, if anybody can help with information for the police we would be so grateful.
The member of staff managed to shout and run away with a few scratches but the attack was very serious and this man needs to be bought to justice.
Obviously this is yet another reason why people, particularly women should not walk alone at night.
Thank you.


  • edited 10:37AM
    Awful news :(
  • edited July 2011
    I think it's better if more people are walking on the street late at night as it minimizes the risk of being attacked.

    I'm not sure if this happened after she had finished a shift, as your message seems to state that she was walking from Crouch Hill to the Old Dairy at 1am. A practical step your pub could take to prevent this in the future is to provide a taxi for your workers if working late at night. It wouldn't cost much if they live in the surrounding area ( one taxi for all your staff would probably be less than £10). I used to work in bar and we were provided with this service if we worked past midnight.
  • edited 10:37AM
    Every time a woman is attacked, you hear people say that women shouldn't walk around alone at night. How about men not walking around at night? That would solve the problem, too.
  • edited 10:37AM
    rainbow_carnage- I couldn't agree more yet at the present I will be a lot more worried about the young girls that work here and ensuring they do not leave alone, I have no control over strange men in the middle of the night.
    kreuskav- she was working in a pub in crouch end that night but you are of course right, we already have a voucher system set up with a local firm which the staff can use but it's not a perfect system and we'll certainly improve it looking forward.
  • edited July 2011
    Dear Old Dairy. Do you have six or seven year old girls working for you? No? Then I think you possibly might mean young women. It's exactly this kind of derogatory crap which leads women at risk of exactly the kind of sexual assaults we're talking about. IMO.
  • edited 10:37AM
    The young girl in question happens to be my younger sister and it's lack of morals and respect for women that cause these attacks, not my vocabulary.
  • edited 10:37AM
    I agree with you Hannadala. I call everyone female a lady or young lady for which I have been criticised (not on this forum). It's absolutely not vocabulary that is the problem here.
  • edited 10:37AM
    "Exactly this kind of derogatory crap", eh? What a load of rubbish. It was some twisted, cruel male night stalker we are talking about here and I doubt if he was moved to do it by the use of the world 'girl'.
  • edited 10:37AM
    @ hannadal - don't you think calling an adult woman a girl or a young girl is disrespectful? Guess not.
  • edited 10:37AM
    There was another assault recently on Ferme Park Road which sounds not disimilar: late at night after the pubs close, unknown attacker on a lone woman and similar build.
  • edited July 2011
    Can't make the link work but if you type in sexual assault and Ferme Park Road google will find it.
  • edited 10:37AM
    I am really sad to hear about this.

    @katiejane I think you are really missing the point here (and some empathy). Who cares about vocab - a girl has been attacked and that is horrible.
  • edited July 2011
    Oh come on everyone. Surely the attack was just the horseplay of a naughty boy. I'm with katiejane - stop with the emotive language crap. It'll be 'tots' before you know it.
  • KazKaz
    edited 10:37AM
    Shit, I was jogging on Parkland Walk last Tuesday... That does not make me feel very safe at all.
  • edited July 2011
    I think that it's disrespectful to make this into a pedantic argument about grammar when a person (is that PC enough for everyone?) has been sexually assaulted. And making a joke of it because you don't approve of a person's choice of words is not only disrespectful but shameful and rude. Hannadala was talking about her younger sister. Surely she's allowed to called her a young girl if she wants too. It's not as ridiculous as calling baby boys 'little man' which I often hear parents doing. Put The Guardian down and get a grip people!
  • edited 10:37AM
    Agree with Miss annie entirely. The matter is too serious to either get into a slanging match or to make jokes. A horrible thing happened. Hannah was letting people know so that we can watch out for ourselves and to avoid it happening again. It is really sad that the thread has descended to this level. Sometimes a bit of self-restraint is called for.
  • edited 10:37AM
    Over the last few weeks in parkland walk Ive encountered 2 men playing with themselves in the bushes of parkland walk.. Obviously wanting a reaction..
  • edited 10:37AM
    there's a time and a place for vocab pedants and this particular thread is not it. Shame on you, you know who you are.
    I shall be informing my female flatmate of these incidents. I do worry about women on their own late at night, most of my friends are female. Most often they are safe, but it is when these kinds of attacks are close to home that you are reminded that anybody can become a victim. Stay safe.
  • KazKaz
    edited 10:37AM
    Must say I have never felt unsafe walking home late at night. Parkland Walk is a bit more worrying, do the police know, do they ever patrol there?
  • edited 10:37AM
    I was going to say before that I have never felt un safe around here, but it just goes to show that we should never take the area for granted, Its a beautiful area but because there isnt much going on from stroud green road, towards crouch end.. It can be awfully quiet at times, even on weekends..

    With parkland walk, Im going to assume the police know, Since the park police moved out of the park there hasnt been much patrol to be honest .. But parkland walk from frinsbury park end to queens wood is filled with stories that woulod make it unsafe .. I have 2 rottweillers, to which you would think someone very brave woulod need to do something in order to think these wouldnt attack.. But still they exposed themselves freely .. and this is in broad dayloght also, at 5-6 in the afternoon .. I try not to walk my dogs later than that cause i think the feeling changes in the park/parkland walk area..
  • AliAli
    edited 10:37AM
    I think the Park Police got disbanded or at least greatly reduced in number by the cuts
  • edited 10:37AM
    @barnesbq - thanks for that. The only shame here is your over use of auxiliary verbs. Anyway my love, on the vocab front, I really think it does matter: there's not many people calling poor Rebekah Brooks a girl or a lady. What do the rest of you chicks think?
  • edited 10:37AM
    Was that meant to raise some hackles? Because personally I have no problem with being called a chick, bird, girl or lady.
  • edited 10:37AM
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • edited 10:37AM
    To be honest I wish I hadn't used the term 'young girls' I do find it slightly derogatory, you are completely missing the point though. I was upset and angry and used an unfortunate term. You have taken it out of context & made irrelevant, hurtful comments for the sake of causing an argument. You are a moron.
  • edited 10:37AM
    My comment was a plea for objectivity, if it were hurtful I apologise (to the person it hurt).
  • edited 10:37AM
    I second what Misscara said. I only refer to people such as Rebekah Brooks and Harriet Harman as women. I much prefer to call everyone young lady or lady. It sounds more respectful and dignified to my ears. Myself, I prefer to be called Madam or Princess. However, as a native Londoner I don't mind bird, girl, darlin' or love. Chick is a bit 70's mainly used by older men who may once have had a pint with George Best. My chap is a northerner who calls me our lass. I guess it's one of those things like non white people reclaiming certain words even though it might sound offensive to other demographics. We can work out words that we are comfortable using ourselves and it's not for other people to criticise.
  • edited 10:37AM
    Oh for God's sake. Grow up. 3 reported sexual assaults and 2 acts of sexual aggression in the space of a fornight, within half a mile of each other. And these are only the ones we know about. Your passive aggressive use of parentheses is just rude and cancels out any apology made.
  • edited 10:37AM
    My wife was approached by a man in a car on the corner of The Grove and Mount Pleasant Villas walking home from work at 11.30pm last night. He started calling out to her but she ignored him and carried on walking so she didn't get to see what he looked like.
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