Photography - Is anyone into it (in an amateur way) ?

edited September 2011 in Local discussion
I've got all the gear but I'm hesitant to go out and about with it to make good use of my equipment due to risk of theft by the oiks that exist in the dark corners.
Does anyone know of a local photography club maybe ?
Or does anyone share my interest / want to get together to share ideas , views , ambitions ?


  • edited 10:54PM
    No idea about local photography clubs, but it's something I'm interested in, and was actually hoping to spend more time on once I have more time. Not that I have any of the proper gear (yet) - apart from an unwanted camcorder.

    Will be avidly following this thread! :)
  • JakJak
    edited 10:54PM
    Cool , that makes two.......
  • edited 10:54PM
    Hmm. There's a Muswell Hill Photographic Club, which meets weekly at Jacksons Lane, but their website says they're not accepting any more members:

    I wonder how long their waiting list is, if there'd be interest in a neighbouring group.....
  • valval
    edited September 2011
    I did once attend a Haringey adult education class on photography, but they don't run it now. I love taking photographs, especially portraits of interesting faces. Walking our local streets I often see beautiful, interesting or amusing things to photograph. Yesterday i photographed the beautiful bark of a plane tree. I carry my little Finepix (hidden in my bag) everywhere and save my best pictures on my laptop, but I don't want to join a club. I did have some of my photos block mounted or framed and had them on my walls for years. But now I just make postcards for messages to friends etc. I recently bought a framed photograph from a local enthusiast, at a local art exhibition, so there are outlets for good work. The City Lit runs several photography classes. If you are interested, you could get a prospectus: 0207 831 7831. and Happy hunting.
  • I wouldn't worry about being mugged for your camera. You can get a basic DSLR for half the price of an iPhone.

    I don't know anyone who has had a camera stolen while walking around. It's not a thing. I have heard of cameras stolen from people's homes during burglaries. If you're worried, get decent home contents insurance. Many of the policies will cover your stuff outside the home, too.

    You are much more likely to damage your camera than to lose it. Invest in a good camera bag.

    I don't know of any clubs. It's not really a club activity. But I'm not a joiner type.

    For those just starting out, invest in a course or two before you buy all the gear. An expensive camera doesn't make you a good photographer. It just makes you look like a wanker.
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  • edited 10:54PM
    I am considering buying a Lumix G2 or G3 'cause my boss just took my work camera from me. Anybody have suggestions?
  • edited 10:54PM
    Canon G9 range and newer equivalents. Lots of knobs to twiddle if you're that way inclined, but not so many you're intimidated. Great pictures (as presented here passim).
  • JakJak
    edited 10:54PM
    I've had trouble from scum on previous outings , I use a Canon 5D plus various lenses at the moment .
    I've been safe while out and about where there are lots of people (museums , west end , city etc) , the problems arise when I've been in quieter areas (where the scum feel there's little chance of being challenged).
    And I'm getting too old for fighting.
  • edited 10:54PM
    Buy a large dog.
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  • edited 10:54PM
    There must be some groups on meetup. Digital photography school ( organised a very successful photowalk in London earlier this year.

    Actually, I am in the photography as well. Well, more or less:
    So if there is a local club to be organised, count me in!
  • edited 10:54PM
    @Misscara - photo quiz will resume shortly. I think pictures of my front room would not be much of a challenge. I have not been getting out as much as I'd like recently due to self-inflicted broken pelvis, though you may have spotted me hauling myself up and down SG road and I did once bravely take the bus to Crouch End. I won't be taking any new photos until I'm off the crutches. It's taking three months....normal service should resume in about three weeks.
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  • edited 10:54PM
    Try City & Islington College , Rowan Arts [ Islington Exhibits] Old Fire Station or International Students House Social Centre Regents Park or Flickr [ website] ....
  • JakJak
    edited 10:54PM
    Oh , three weeks until we have a crutchless (spelling) krappyrubsnif , now that would make for a fun photo'.
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