Warning: Car moving in progress...

edited July 2007 in Local discussion
Just a little warning to anyone who, like myself, is a weekend driver. I arrived home on Thursday night and almost passed out because in the place of my lovely little Clio was a big road leveller truck. Fearing the worst I called the police and after speaking to 3 people from various companies was told to 'walk around the streets a bit' - apparently they can just pick cars up and move them whereever they like if they are in the way. So at 1 am I had to walk around nearby streets looking for it and came across it some way off round the corner. It seems all they had done as warning was put a piece of A4 paper on the windscreen on the monday - no good for those who park throughout the week!

Watch out, they could be coming to a street near you soon!


  • edited 10:23PM
    This is probably to do with the resurfacing work.

    I moved my car from Stapleton Hall Road to Albert Road on Saturday morning and parked it in what I thought was a residents space - it was in fact a business permit space. So I got a ticket - grrr!

    Why can't they make the business permit spaces more obvious - Albert Rd is a residential road and I saw the usual sign - but among the War and Peace on it, one word had changed - Residents to Business.
  • edited 10:23PM
    I'd be happy to put up with them moving my car if they resurfaced Shaftesbury Road!
  • edited 10:23PM
    Partial resurfacing of Shaftesbury Road starts this week. Speed bumps here we come.
  • edited 10:23PM
    Tell me more
  • edited 10:23PM
    Have you not had a letter from the council through your letter box nor seen the notices stuck on every lamppost in the area?

    All the roads within Islington, north of the railway line and between Hornsey Road and Crouch Hill will become, by the end of September, a 20mph zone. Speed bumps and junction tables are being constructed as I type.
  • edited 10:23PM
    I've been away a lot, but I might have had such a letter. Do you work for the council? I was more interested in them plugging the 1001 potholes that litter my road.
  • edited 10:23PM
    You see - I told you they don't make it that obvious. I think they do it on purpose so they can laugh at people running around Stroud Green looking for a car thats disappeared! I keep a much closer eye on mine now!
  • edited August 2007
    So, who should I contact about asking - nicely - for the holes in Shaftesbury Road to be filled?
  • edited August 2007
    <a href="http://webgis.islington.gov.uk/website/internet/fault_reporting/locate_selector_asp.asp?faulttype=Damaged pavement of road&faultcode=highdefrdp" target="__blank">Try here!</a>

    From experience, it's worth stressing that the road is dangerous from a cyclist's POV. If your report lands on the correct desk you may find that the repairs could be covered by a budget which looks after cycling safety in addition to the standard road repairs budget.
  • edited 10:23PM
    I tried that page but it threw an error after I clicked submit (server timeout) so I resorted to sending an email. Wish I'd have mentioned cycling now, I will do if I get asked for more info. Islington have given us - and continue to give us - lots of hassle about Council Tax since we moved in March. I'm going to try and sort that once and for all tomorrow. Argh.
  • edited 10:23PM
    I'm also going to complain to Islington. Both Shaftesbury Road and Tollington Park are a nightmare if you're on your bike. Thanks for the link.
  • edited 10:23PM
    I sorted out my CT, had to go to 222 Upper Street in person. Still no joy on the road thing. And yellow signs have just gone up about "road works" but I would bet my wages that it's nothing to do with the potholes and everything to do with utilities.
  • edited 10:23PM
    Just had a friendly call from the council, who state that the road works on Shaftesbury Road will also involve "some" resurfacing work at the Hornsey Road end. I live in hope.
  • edited 10:23PM
    Letter dropped through the letterbox this morning to say that there are now to be considerable road repairs west of #52 Shaftesbury Avenue. So much so that the road is going to be closed for a few days.
  • edited 10:23PM
    Just came on here to post that, too. A good turnaround after the speed bump and water works of the last few weeks. And a pleasant surprise after me sending a couple of emails in. Let's just say that the number they reference on Shaftesbury Road may not be a coincidence. Of course I will claim this as a personal victory against the council. :)
  • edited 10:23PM
    Hurrah! Shaftesbury Road has been resurfaced!
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