An injured pigeon

edited September 2011 in Local discussion
Hey guys, A long shot but was wondergin if anyone had any experience looking after pigeons. My cat got hold of one yesterday and i think the wounds are bad .. He/she has survived the night, and is alert to my knowledge.. in a box.. and ha done a poo.. I know vets around here wouldnt take a pigeon.. Any ideas...


  • edited 11:13AM
    Take it to Zasman vet on Tollington Park - they take injured pigeons in. I took them one a while ago (I think my cat had got hold of it, but I can't be sure) and they either do what they can, or someone from a wildlife sanctuary comes to collect it. Give them a call first though.
  • edited 11:13AM
    You can call the RSPCA and they will give you a reference to give to the vet that covers a small amount of treatment (at least they do for some wild birds)
  • edited 11:13AM
    my girlfriend is a vet (not local alas), but she reckons Zasman will take it. they do get a lot and will generally put them to sleep at some cost to themselves. They appreciate a gesture payment as the gas etc isn't all that cheap and the pigeon mites that leap off them after they breath their last are a real problem (need containing sterilising). google pigeon mites for a nasty shock.
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