Best Coffee in Stroud Green?



  • edited 7:50PM
    yeah ok maybe it stands for something else. but then she wouldn't be so pleased with it being sewn onto the jeans as well surely? i think she just manages to annoy me with most of her articles and i was feeling mean after i saw her posing in those bespoke jeans. she's probably very nice. but the tattoo/necklace comment goes for everyone.
  • edited 7:50PM
    Why do people do that? It can't be that difficult to remember one's own name surely. I hate those small dolphin or flower tattoos that some ladies have on their ankles too. They think it's saying arty and eccentric whereas to me it says dullard with a lack of imagination.
  • edited 7:50PM
    Mother Fucker (but only if they are MILFs)
  • edited 7:50PM
    Yes, whatever ... now please, can we all return to the thread ... and discuss <I><b>Best Coffee in Stroud Green?</I></B>

    Folks, if you go to Crouch End for your coffee, and find the people there strange and unpleasant, learn your lesson is silence. But, if you genuinely think other folks are interested in your anthropological adventures in Crouch End, then why not <FONT SIZE=+1 COLOR="red">start a new thread?</FONT>
  • edited 7:50PM
    Dearie me, I haven't seen any one wheeling out the large red writing since my school days.
  • edited 7:50PM

    Most of the coffee on SGR is shit.

    I hope this helps
  • edited 7:50PM
    Who drinks coffee anyway.
  • edited 7:50PM
    well said, tea is the way forward for all right minded folk. Preferably nice strong builders tea, milk no sugar thank you.
  • edited 7:50PM
    I love that we're being told off by a lurker.

  • edited 7:50PM

    The coffee theme is boring, but the milf thread rocks.
  • edited 7:50PM
    PV wrote a column in Observer Food Monthly recently about a drinks party she held for her birthday. Describing the various types of guests, she used the term MILF. I can't be bothered to look it up I'm afraid. You'll just have to take my word for it.
  • edited March 2010
    Went to The Haberdashery, Middle Lane on Sunday (<font color=red>get it right round ya, ucypanp</font>)

    Americano (yes sorry) was alright, the jakey blue mug wasn't particularly appetising though, but understand that's part of the schtick. Didn't knock my socks off, so coffee not a reason to trek over there. Another customer was mildly perturbed to have their latte served "what, in a bowl?". The pot of loose leaf Earl Grey got the thumbs up though.

    Aside from that, just felt it was a touch on the pricey side - £7.50 for eggs Benedict. That's an occasional treat rather than a regular breakfast joint for me.

    Friendly staff.
  • edited 7:50PM
    I wish Haberdashery, was a haberdashers; a kind of down-market V V Rouleaux is what I was expecting when I first saw it.

    They do barley coffee which is nice though. No where else seems to do around here. Probably just me that drinks it.
  • edited 7:50PM
    There is a downmarket VV Rouleaux on Fonthill rd now - by the junction with Moray Rd if you're in the market for a nice bit of trimming. Quite new I think, and full of stuff.
  • edited 7:50PM
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  • I've met Polly Vernon and she's very nice as are most of The Observers Editorial team and no I don't work there, but know the Fashion Editor and been to a few of her birthday shindigs. I have loads of respect for all mothers but I hope to marry a future MILF.
  • edited 7:50PM
    <B>Good for Food> : Blackstock Road

    Popped in here on Thursday afternoon. I am hooked! Great coffee, and marvellous orange and carrot cake. Just two others customers at the time, both assiduously reading and drinking coffee. What a nice relaxed, almost studious atmosphere, well, on this occasion at least.

    I see from the <I>History of Stroud Green</I> on Wikipedia that in the days before the Sevens Sisters Road cut through it, this area was once considered part of Stroud Green.,_London
  • edited 7:50PM
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  • edited 7:50PM
    I just think a lot of places round here are very variable depending on who is serving you. It is a shame they don't bother to train up staff. I've had good coffee a few times at Dream River Cafe - never a bad experience yet but I don't go there often. Arianna's on Fonthill is good half the time and not so good the rest of the time. Front Room coffee seems to have improved, but is still so hot it burns your tongue. I'd be happy if we used Andy's discounted rent scheme to open a Caffe Nero.
  • edited 7:50PM
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  • edited 7:50PM
    yes def train the people up at front room... ah i leave a few doors down but the coffee is pretty useless... maybe you could persuade the park tavern to become a gastropub and start serving square mile coffee! hehe
  • edited 7:50PM
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  • edited 7:50PM
    Graeme, I think you mean Coffee Haven (next to Davies & Davies). Decent coffee, and you can smoke in the back yard. Not open on Sundays, though, which is something of a pain.
  • In view of my continuing quest to learn to tell good coffee from bad, I hereby resurrect this thread.

    I nominate Mike's, the little coffee shop on the corner near Rowan's at the front of FP station, as good coffee stop of the week. It's a scruffy looking place but has an authentically Italian feel, and the cappucino actually seems good.

    Am I right?

    Poxy? Misscara?
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  • Well go and check it out! I'm desperate!
  • edited 7:50PM
    I'm working in CE at present, so I rarely get the chance to sample the delights of SGR coffee any more. The best coffee is available from My Kind Of Coffee, opposite CE Post Office. Even better than what I can make at home. Once my stash at home is gone I'll be buying my freshly roasted and ground beans from MKOC
  • edited September 2011
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  • No. I asked. Well, the woman I spoke to was Italian - maybe the boss is Turkish.
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