PVC windows - conservation area

edited October 2011 in Local discussion

Can developers put in PVC replacement windows in properties in Stroud Green?

Just wondering as a developer has bought a 1900s house near us and is turning it into flats. Looks like he's put in those crap-looking plastic windows all over the front. I thought that wasn't supposed to happen...


  • edited 11:24AM
    Not if they're in the conservation areas. Which road? COMPLAIN.
  • AliAli
    edited 11:24AM
    If you are going to raise a complaint you do it on this page using and online facility <http://www.haringey.gov.uk/index/housing_and_planning/planning-mainpage/planning_enforcement.htm>; You will need to chase them quite hard to get anything done. I started off a complaint on 6th September and still not had a satisfactory answers. They lost the first two complaints and I now have a planning officer who is worse than useless so far. He is on his last chance to actually visit the site as I am sure it is illegal. I should hear from him today if not it goes to the lady who earns £147k as it seems to me that her planning department is in a bit of a mess. It will be interesting to hear what he says when I tell him that !
  • edited 11:24AM
    Thanks for the replies. I must be getting old. I'd have never dreamt of complaining about this a few years back but now I am going IN. I hope I don't turn in to a full-blown curtain twitcher tho.
  • edited 11:24AM
    It's the Stapleton hall Road end of Ferme Park Road by the way, and therefore in the SG conservation area.
  • edited 11:24AM
    I hadn't noticed that. Will keep an eye out. Definitely complain.
  • edited 11:24AM
    We own a flat, leasehold, on Cornwall Rd (also in the [SG conservation area](http://www.haringey.gov.uk/stroud_green_conservation_area_map.pdf) ) which Haringey Council own the freehold of. Very very oddly, when I asked about replacing my windows/doors (at my/my insurers' cost - we were burgled and the buggers did the French windows in), Haringey insisted we put in PVC. They purport to have a policy of insisting doors and windows comply with an [official guidance document](http://www.homesforharingey.org/hfh_windows_doors_revised_august_2009.pdf), and plastic is basically the only material that meets the bill - see p4. I couldn't bring myself to install PVC, or at the time have the fight with them about their policy, so I repaired the wooden doors. To be frank I didn't know about the conservation area - another thing learned on SG.org. Keep up the fight domnextmen!
  • edited 11:24AM
    RedSurgeon, did the French windows face onto the street, or onto your garden? the conservation rules don't apply if they can't be seen from the street.
  • edited 11:24AM
    They don't face the street, so perhaps the conservation area point wouldn't win me many favours when One Day I go to war on this. The Homes for Haringey ALMO document seems to apply to all windows and doors whichever way they face. There is a bullet-point in the document I linked to on p5 about conservation areas, but when I picked the HfH lady up on this she did a telephonic shrug of the shoulders...
  • AliAli
    edited 11:24AM
    Apparently if non planning approved work is more than 4 years old it is immune to planning laws and can’t be stopped etc. I have been assured that I will have an answer on my complaint by 4pm tomorrow afternoon, we shall see!
  • edited December 2017
  • edited 11:24AM
    Another instance has just occurred at no.10 Stapleton Hall Road. Where new PVC windows have been fitted. Property is owned by Stroud Green Housing Co-op and is definitely in the Conservation Area.
    Phone the co-op and they basically didn't have a clue about planning or conservation just wanted the cheapest option.
    We knew a great old boy who lived on the ground floor until recently - now in sheltered housing on Tollington Park - he would have loved new windows!

    By the way I believe that non-approved work has to exist for 8 years before it is 'immune' to regs. .
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