Digital Radio

edited October 2011 in Local discussion
I love my old portable Sony radio. It follows me all around the house. My new digital Sony gobbles up the batteries so fast that I have tethered it to the mains. The other day I let it out for an airing, using batteries. It had been tuned to Radio 4 and I immediately lost it. I can get everything but Radio 4. Does anyone know what to do, apart from shooting it?


  • edited 7:03PM
    I was discussing this with a friend last night. It's the end of portable radio as we know it. What will we do for trannies (in the garden, in the loft, up a ladder, in the loo) when they switch off the analogue FM radio signal in three or four years time? Progress?
  • IanIan
    edited 7:03PM
    Pure Oasis DAB. Rechargeable battery. Waterproof. Had mine since they came out and it is a brilliant radio. I have a Pure pocket DAB that I plug into a cassette device in my car that is brilliant. Also rechargeable.
  • AliAli
    edited 7:03PM
    Bet they don't switch off FM etc to many people are still using FM is cars etc and DAB has a very slow uptake. You could always get a wind up DAB radio
  • edited 7:03PM
    From what I've heard, if I had a wind-up DAB radio, and had to wind it, I'd have biceps the size of the barmaid's in the Rovers Return. Or somewhere.
  • AliAli
    edited 7:03PM
    Make sure you use both arms that way you will look balanced
  • valval
    edited 7:03PM
    Thanks, Krappy - I share your sentiment.
    And Ian, I have made a note of the Pure Oasis rechargabe. Can you get Radio 4?
    (I once bought a wind-up radio as a gift for someone when I visited the "third world", but maybe we will be in it soon!)
  • IanIan
    edited 7:03PM
    Yes radio 4 is there. I stick with 6 music though.
  • edited 7:03PM
    @Val, have a look at the Roberts solar DAB. We've had ours for 3 years and it's solid. It is on every single day, runs for weeks on a full charge as it lives on the window sills - constantly topping up on free power from the sun. Excellent R4 reception.
  • valval
    edited 7:03PM
    Thank you, Beek. I like the idea of a solar-powered radio, and luckily I have a south-facing windowsill.
  • benben
    edited 7:03PM
    What I really want is a properly waterproof small digital radio which I can listen to while in the shower. I wouldn't be putting it under the shower itself, but our bathroom gets very steamed up, so it needs to pretty hardy. Ian, would the Pure Oasis be okay for my needs?
  • IanIan
    edited 7:03PM
    The Oasis is a hardy beast and sits on our bath so have no problems with it on that score.
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