Chapter One

edited September 2007 in Local discussion
What's the story?


  • edited 4:43PM
    refurb? don't think it's changed hands.
  • edited 4:43PM
    i think it changed hands about 6 months ago, they have only just done the refurb though
  • edited 4:43PM
    As long as they get rid of the big glass séance table I'll be happy.
  • edited 4:43PM
    I wandered past last night ... looked like lots of trendy round mirrors and a dance-floor at the back ... but I might be wrong
  • edited 4:43PM
    Dancefloor? Gah, I hope not. It's bad enough with Karmenz.
  • edited 4:43PM
    Can anyone remember Cizgi - I think it was where Miso is now. It had a dancefloor - my flatmate and I went in one evening on the way home and she loved all the male attention she got.
  • edited 4:43PM
    Funny you should mention that place. My other half went to Chapter One last night to check it out, and said it had turned into a slightly glam R n B bar, a bit like Cizgi. I think they may have ruined it. It's also been painted a vile purple colour on the outside, and apparently they've rid of most of the brick on the inside. Shame.
  • edited September 2007
    I popped in on Saturday night for a swift one. I was on my way back from town and was, according to Rocky the doorman, inappropriately dressed (flip flops), but he let us in anyway but 'next time we should make more of an effort'. It appeared to have much the same clientele as before and it looks as if none of the refurb money was spent on the loos. They have these ambient lighting hubcaps things covering most of the walls which display a spectrum of pastel shades. They have freed up lots of space by throwing some of the furniture away which I think is a good thing. It has lost that sort of Chapter One homely feel though, but the staff were lovely, even Rocky the doorman. I'll probably end up going about the same frequency as I did before - not very often. It's not quite as Cizgi as Cizgi though, although I can see what Coletto means.
  • edited 4:43PM
    Coletto - nice!
  • AliAli
    edited 4:43PM
    Any one know how the new look is doing business wise, there seems to be less bags of bottels outside on a Sunday morning ?
  • Is this reopening for Christmas as promised? Party bookings etc. Could be good. Chang
  • Still closed . Very annoying . I heard some great tales from my landlady about when it was a top cocktail bar. The local pubs are ok but not for a (newly) single guy . C'mon Chapter Uno!!!!
  • Can we start a dating section of this site?
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • kreuzkav + chrisn4 for a start...
  • I thought this *was* a dating site.<br>
  • Well it's true Arkady, ever since I found out who you really are I do keep bumping into you in the oddest places.
  • That's actually quite peculiar, isn't it.  I've actually seen you a few times when you haven't seen me too.  The German Gymnasium on Open House weekend, for instance.<br>
  • <P>can't talk now as ive got to sign on; and then go to work...</P> <P>sorry to break up the arkady n krappyrubsnif love in...</P> <P>2    willm -</P> <P>ginger beer (queer) you say?</P> <P>i should give you a smack in the mouth for that,but then i might spill your shopping basket full of humous,taramasalata and sunblushed tomatoes all over the floor in sg rd...metaphorically speaking of course...</P> <P>im not homophobic because i am not scared of my home...</P> <P>more later...</P> <P>carry on</P> <P> </P> <P> </P>
  • @chrisn4 - Homophobia: the fear that gay men will treat you the same way as you treat women.<br>
  • chris - wow.  and to think i sometimes wished i was funnier...   
  • @Stroud Green Tyrants I'd like to vote for an ostracism. Now if only I could find that pottery shard.
  • <P>i am afraid i won't be able to talk to any of the more lower class readers of this week</P> <P>my apologies</P> <P>carry on</P>
  • Site supposed to be a new Woody Grill in Late march or whenever easter is. According to Rocky who used to work there. There was one in FP and still in Camden. run by the Woody Market people I guess. Better than Dixie I bet. I wud have prefered Chapter one )or Two) to come back. It sounds like a jumping joint. Chang.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • A couple of years ago? Are you sure? Anyway, a brand new one has just opened, one street back from the old place.
  • What rat incident? You got me worried...and I live in Lorne Road (rat central)...! Chang
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