WI meeting tonight, 7.30pm

edited April 2012 in Local discussion
<P>For all interested ladies...</P> <P>We have Vera Baird QC speaking on the Legal Aid bill, a chocolate cake tasting competition and we'll be making little-or-no-cook chocs & sweets. We'd love to see you! </P> <P>We'll be at The Hideaway on Ennis Rd N4 - it's part of Stroud Green School and has white metal railings at the front. Meeting starts 7.30pm.</P> <P>If you can bring along your own ingredients and equipment please do - there are some recipes here (<A href="http://allrecipes.co.uk/recipes/tag-5475/no-cook-sweet-recipes.aspx">http://allrecipes.co.uk/recipes/tag-5475/no-cook-sweet-recipes.aspx</A>;), there are loads more online, or you could just invent one!</P>


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