Toaster Poster

edited March 2008 in Local discussion
Hello all, Just signed up so I could share this with you all, did anyone else see it?[Toaster poster, by the railway bridge, bottom of Stroud Green Road]( you'll need to scroll down the page to see the pic...


  • edited 4:09AM
    Hi Beek.

    Do you know what it means or who does it?
  • edited 4:09AM
    No and no I'm afraid! I've seen those little toasters everywhere, on escalator risers, lamp posts and the like for years, I was amazed to see a jumbo one on SGR. I didn't want it to go unmissed - like the Bruce Lee stencil which used to live on the wall just a little way up SGR, by the entrance to the Rail Depot... it dissapeared 5 or 6 years ago but was V cool while it lasted! Funnily enough, the poster I've flagged up was replaced last week with one from Haringey council - advertising their graffiti hotline!
  • edited 4:09AM
    It's <a href="" target="qwerty">The Toasters</a>, innit?
  • edited 4:09AM
    On a board on Mountview Road there's a little stencil which says 'If you're worried about being anxious, you're already anxious' I think it says that anyway - it's along those lines.
  • edited 4:09AM
    I'm going to take the Toaster Poster picture to a print shop and make a toaster poster coaster.
  • edited 4:09AM
    Then when I've got it I'm going to come on here bragging about it, and I'll be the toaster poster coaster boaster.
  • edited 4:09AM
  • AliAli
    edited 4:09AM
    A bit Dr Seus
  • edited 4:09AM
    Reminds of a wonderful moment in a documentary about Lee Scratch Perry. He was hanging/swinging off a big gate and had placed a toaster on top of one of its pillars. Interviewer: _"Lee, whats with the toaster?"_ Lee: _"I am not a boaster"_ Interviewer: _"Huh?"_ Lee: _"I am not a boaster, I am a postive toaster."_ Then he smiled like he'd just unravelled the mysteries of the Universe.
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